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4. New Faces, New Changes

2:30 am

Dave East

My phone was ringing and my eyes opened a little bit. I reached over to my phone and it was a text from my Uncle. I rolled my eyes reading the message.

I'm outside. Get dressed we got work 2 do. | Unc ( 2:30 am )

I got out of bed and put on some grey sweats and a grey hoodie with my black Jordan's. I headed outside and seen Uncle in his Range Rover. I got in the passenger's seat and we instantly drove off. Soon enough Uncle and I got out of the car and entered a warehouse. Inside were girls naked counting money. It was like shit off those movies. But I wasn't really worried about that right now. We walked into Uncle's office and there two other guys standing there. I didn't know what was going on, but I hope I was going to like it.

"Uncle, the fuck is going on? You dragged me out here and woke me up for what?" I asked.

"Hold up nephew, calm down." Uncle started. "I got you out here cause this is where you and I will run our business. I know you want to get revenge on the motherfucker who killed Alex and Anja. So I want you to meet Tyrell. He's been working for me since he was ten. He's great at finding people who don't want to be found."

"You think you can find the motherfucker who killed my family?" I asked

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"You think you can find the motherfucker who killed my family?" I asked.

"No I don't think, I know." Tyrell said.

"Cocky little shit." I smiled. "I like it."
"Who is this?"

"That's Wayne. He's been working for me for a few years. He's eager to learn the game and he's my prodigy." Uncle said.

"You thinking of retiring Unc?" I asked.

"Not yet but if I do Wayne is going to take over for me." Uncle said.

I looked over at this nigga Wayne and there was something about him that I didn't like. There was something that didn't click with me. I couldn't tell what it was at the time, but I was sure I was going to figure it out.

"Ight then since we all introduced and shit, let's get to work

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"Ight then since we all introduced and shit, let's get to work." Tyrell said.

"Sounds good." I said.

Uncle finished showing me around the warehouse and where shit was and how we operate. It was nice, but I didn't want to be in the game right now. All I really wanted was to find the motherfucker who killed my family and Johnnie. That was my only concern right now. I just wanted to keep everyone I love and care about safe.

2:30 pm

Roni Quinn

I was finally leaving work after working nine hours straight. Ya girl is a barista at Starbucks. It wasn't a bad job, but it came with its many headaches. So I was going to meet up with Lottie and Roe at Lou's Diner. I had to be there at three, so I was in a hurry. I got into my car and started driving. I plugged my phone up to the stereo and Chun Li x Nicki Minaj came on. I checked the time and I had a couple of minutes to get there. I turned the corner and all of a sudden there smoke coming out of my car.

"Shit." I said pulling over.

I got out of the car and lifted the hood to check what was going on. I was getting really irritated. I grabbed my phone and was about to call someone, but a voice startled me.

"You need help miss?"

I turned around and my knees almost went weak. Behind me was one of the sexiest chocolate man
I've ever seen in my life. He looked like god.

"You need help?" He repeated

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"You need help?" He repeated.

I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. "Yes. My car broke down and I have no idea what's wrong with it."

"Well let me take a look." He said taking off his jacket.

I moved over and let him inspect my car. But my mind was somewhere else cause all I was focused on was his arms. He works out a lot. I wanted to lick his arms like pieces of Hershey kisses. This man was sexy as fuck.

I again snapped out of my thoughts. This sexy man closed the hood and told me to start my car and it worked.  I let out a sigh of relief.  "Oh my god! Thank you." I said.

"No problem." He smiled. "It's always a pleasure to help out a beautiful woman." Damn. He got them pearly whites, oh my lord.

I blushed. "Well thanks."
"I'm Veronica."

"Dominic." He introduced.

"Dominic, is there anything I can do to repay you?" I asked.

"You don't have to do that." Dominic said.

"No but I want too. You helped me out so much." I said.

Dominic hesitated. "How about dinner? Let's say tomorrow night?"

I smiled. "Sure dinner sounds great."

Dominic gave me his phone and I put my number in. I handed it back to him. "So I'll see you tomorrow night." I said.

"Of course. I'll let you know the details." Dominic said.

"Ok." I said getting into my car.

I drove off to Lou's to meet up with Roe and Lottie, they were mad that I was late. But to be honest all I could think about was Dominic and how incredibly sexy he was. It was weird to feel this attracted to someone else other than Dave. But if we weren't going to be together, then it shouldn't be wrong for me to move on with someone else. Right?

The Beast: Unfinished Business ( Dave East )Where stories live. Discover now