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32. Operation Save Dave

Roni Quinn

The sun shined on me causing me to open my eyes. I rolled over in bed and saw the empty space. I guess I was giving my hopes up thinking Dave was gonna be here when I woke up. I was hoping maybe what happened was a dream. But seeing that empty space just made it that much harder. 

I got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I started brewing some coffee hoping that would wake me up. I started to think about Dave and the horrible shit Lauren was doing to him. I just hope that he's doing the best he can to stay alive. 

Dave East 

I opened my eyes and realized that I was tied to a chair. It was better than being hung up. I felt the sting on my face that Tyrell's beating from last night left. I swear that bitch ass nigga was so fucking dead once this shit was over. The doors opened and Lauren walked in. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Feeling better today?" Lauren asked. 

I was silent.

Lauren smirked. "Good. Now are you ready to talk?" 

"We've done enough talking Lauren. I ain't got shit to say to you." 

"Oh but you do. Don't you want to know the real reason I came here?" Lauren said. 

"You told me this shit already? Just kill me please." I said.

"No." Lauren said. "Yes I came back to hurt you and Nas, but what I really wanted was to see you again. I've missed both of you and it hurts me to hurt you like this." 

"Bullshit." I said.

"No, it's the truth. After you guys left and my father beat and had me raped mercilessly, I wanted my revenge. But I wanted to do it in a big way." Lauren said. 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked.

"You guys hurt me and I wanted to take away everything... your friends, family, and business." Lauren said.

"What did you do?" I asked.

Lauren smirked. "Well I called in a tip that there are these dangerous drug dealers setting up shop. In about an hour all of your warehouses will be raided by both the FBI and SWAT." 

I clenched my jaw. 

"Once they take everything I'll pay a visit to Veronica and kill her where she stands. Then everyday, I'll bring in a piece of her and put her back together right in front of you." Lauren said.

I was doing my best to keep myself calm but it wasn't working. Lauren laughed and then left. The thought of  Lauren killing Veronica. The thought of Veronica no longer being here. The thought of Lauren laughing in my face made me fucking angry. I had to get out of here and fast before Veronica gets hurt. 

Before Lauren does something she'll regret later. 

Roni Quinn

I knocked on the door and within a few seconds it opened. I looked down and it was Kiana with food all over her. 

"Auntie Quinn!" Kiana yelled. 

"Hey pretty girl! Where's your dad?" I said. 

"In the kitwen." Kiana said.

I entered the house and closed the door behind me. Kiana ran ahead of me into the kitchen where I found Nasir. He looked up at me and walked up and picked Kiana up. 

"What do you want Roni?" Nasir asked. 

"We need to talk." I said. 

"About what?" Nasir asked. 

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