Chapter 3 - Kassius Locke

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The lioness-like growl of Bumblebee approaches the gas station that the Merchant mentioned to her, Yang sat atop it with her body laid on the leather coated seats. She decelerates at the gas pump, and the place also appears to be a diner. Yang slowly takes her yellow framed sunglasses from her eyes, looking at the place and she can feel her stomach rumbling. She has some lien cards on her, should be enough to buy a burger or something before she continues on her journey. She hops off and she approaches one of the people who is responsible for filling up motors around here.

She gives him one of her lien cards and he nods, approaching her bike first to start cleaning and filling it up. There are multiple bikes parked here, which are also getting filled up at well. She passes by them; a few of them appear to belong to some sort of gang of bikers that reside out here in Anima. They have a skull engraved on their bikes, but one of the bikes is different. Unlike Yang's, this one is more like a Harley Davidson with some weathering damage scraped against the metal skin that surrounds it. Yang walks right past it, and then she opens the glass coated doors, the bell rings as she opens it.

She walks inside slowly, and some of the people eating in there look up at her. Some with awe at her beauty, others with suspicion. And others do not even lift their heads, she walks towards the bar where they serve their customers, and she sets her hands on the wooden surface of it. She flicks her long blonde hair back over her shoulder as she looks at the owner of the Diner.

She looks at him, he has parted hair around the centre of his head, and he must be in his early fifties at this point. "Hey there, my dear. What can I get you?" He asks her.

She looks at the menu, and swiftly makes her choice. "Just a burger, and a glass of water please." She requests, offering him the lien cards that are for her choices.

"Of course, please take a seat. It will be with you shortly." The man tells her with a smile, turning and walking towards the kitchen where his chefs are. Yang turns and she walks over to where her chosen seat is, a large leather chair were the marble table is. She sits down, sighing with relief as she feels the comfy chair squish beneath her. She feels so comfortable there, waiting for the food to fill her belly and satiate her hunger. Yang taps her hands on the table as she sits there, waiting for her food to be ready so then she can head and continue on her way.

But it looks like she has company.

There is one of those Bikers in there; it appears that there are around ten of them inside of this diner right now. One of them, must be around thirty two years old, stares directly at Yang with a smirk. He has a long dark black mullet and a tattoo of a scorpion on his neck as he stares at her creepily. A scrawny guy with a gun holstered on his hip and a machete sheathed on his other leg. Yang looks around, and she sees two of the Bikers are abusing a woman and her boyfriend. They are only a few years older than she is, and the girl is pregnant as well.

She can't hear what they are saying; only the whimpers of the girl and the cruel laughter of the men that abuse them. One of them grabs her by her long blonde hair, staring at her features and even grabbing her. "Leave her alone!" The Boyfriend yells with rage, swinging his fist towards the one that abuses his girlfriend. But one of the scumbags catches his wrist with his hand, and then he shakes his head.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Bad move, buddy." He sighs, and then he strikes him square in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him on the ground. Blood oozes from his nose and the split skin on the bridge of his nose where the skin has swollen up from the attack.

"Chad!" The girl screams with terror.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." The bandit says as he cracks his knuckles with a smirk on his face, thrusting his boot into the stomach of the man named Chad. He screams with pain as he beats him bloody, and Yang turns to look at the owner of the place with confusion.

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