Chapter 8 - Fear and Loss

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The clamouring of exited voices fills the dining room where they have set the many plates of a takeaway that has finally arrived at the house. And even after all the hours they spent waiting for this food, they all still have so much to tell them all. "You won't believe everything that we have been through!" Ruby squeals, nearly bouncing up and down in her seat as they all share the food that they have gotten.

Boxes upon boxes of noodles, rice and countless flavoured chicken chunks, succulent beef and plenty more food as well. They all have glasses of either juice or water – except for Ruby who has gotten herself a glass of milk. Even after all these years she still likes to drink milk as often as she possibly can, something that comes of no surprise to all her friends.

Sat round the large wooden table are Ruby, Weiss and Yang – all beginning to tuck into this lovely food before their very eyes. Along with Jaune, Nora and Ren, Neptune, Scarlet and Sage as well with their plates before them. Nora takes a freakishly large spoonful of noodles and slaps it on her plate with a giggle, like some sort of feral animal that has not fed in other a week. Salivating at the mere sight of all this food right there for the taking. Kassius, Oscar and Qrow are in the other room.

Kassius does not know the others yet – and he knows that she needs a nice little reunion after all the hectic chaos that has been going on. Ruby reaches across the table to grab the spoon that Sage has just put down so then she can get a scoop of warm rice onto her plate. "I heard about the Nuckelavee that you four managed to kill – that's incredible." Weiss says with awe in both her voice and her eyes.

"Yeah, the locals here keep saying that nobody was able to kill that thing before you guys." Yang states, remembering some of the things that they all said when exploring the city of Mistral. Ren nervously chuckles, thinking back to the skirmish with that monster that they had in Kuroyuri. Many people claim that revenge does not grant some people closure, but Ren did not only do that for himself. He killed that thing for every single soul that it had taken in its existence.

Meaning that it felt like a true victory, and that now at least all their souls can rest easily knowing that the Nuckelavee is dead and never returning.

"It was a hard fight, it got a little hairy at the end." Nora admits, remembering when it grabbed her and slammed her against the stone ground with force. Doing the same to Ren as well, they will never forget the roars and shrieks that thing let out.

Then Jaune sighs, closing his blue eyes. "Well we'd have never had to kill it if it weren't for me losing the stupid map." Jaune sighs, making Ruby, Ren and Nora giggle at the way he sighs at that particular memory. Neptune raises a brow and he leans round Weiss to look at him.

" go on?" Neptune requests with curiosity.

"In short, we saw an abandoned town and we went to investigate. Jaune lost the map when we ran to help." Ruby answers, making Yang laugh at the circumstance.

"How did you manage to lose the map at a time like that?" Yang asks him with a confused pair of large lilac eyes, and a pair of chopsticks in her grasp. Jaune sighs, but he cannot help but laugh at his own misfortune himself.

"Believe me – I've been asking myself the same question ever since." He admits with a chuckle, making them all laugh, which makes him laugh as well. Ruby cannot help but smile when she sees that smile of his own again, it has been a really long time since she last saw it. Nora chimes in with the same level of joy in her voice as ever before.

"Hey! But you made up for it – Mr Muscles! You should have seen Jaune take on that Nuckelavee head on!" Nora gleefully cheers, filling his spirit, and that even surprises Sage. He does live here, so then of all the people the three of them would know of the Legendary Grimm better than most people.

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