Chapter 4 - Rebellion

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She walks in the Mistraalian set of clothes, past the people of Mistral, approaching the Academy at the top of the mountains. Every single person that she walks past seems to be looking at her; she can even hear their whispers.

"Aren't those the kids that killed the Nuckelavee?" One of the civilians ponders with recognition.

Appears news really does travel fast here in Mistral, spies everywhere here, nearly as many as there are in Atlas. "Yeah – I thought that thing was supposed to be un-killable." Another man states.

"They must be the best of the best." Another man chuckles.

Ruby cannot help but feel so good on the inside, she has helped countless people from terrible fates, but this one really did feel the best. Not only did Ren and Nora get revenge on the monster that brought them both so much pain all those years ago, but they also avenged every poor soul that met that creature.

But her giggly emotions fade eventually when she hears other voices, and they are not as positive as theirs. "Damn Valerian Freeloaders – we were already dealing with Famine after their little performance six months ago. Now we got even more mouths to feed." One of the men grumbles with disgust as he stares at them as they passed by.

She does not respond to his cold words, but her large silver eyes slide back and she looks at the man. He is a fat Merchant who watches their every move with his arms crossed, chewing tobacco in his salivating mouth.

He is not the only one to judge them. "That's what happens when you let pride protect you – luck runs out eventually." He scoffs.

Ruby snarls, gritting her teeth together and clenching her hand into a fist, going to shout at him. Until Qrow's arm lifts up in front of her and stops her in her tracks, she looks up and him and sees him shake his head. "Mm-Mm." He grumbles as he shakes his head, and Ruby sighs, turning and following the rest of Team R.N.J.R to where they are headed. At the end of the day, the Valerians were not the most – respected – of the Four Kingdoms.

Ruby's mind is swiftly yanked away from the harsh words of the scummy merchants that judged them despite their heroic actions, by the audible whining of Nora Valkyrie. "Urgh!" She erupts, slouching forward as she walks, arms hanging down by her sides; eyelids hang low over her pupils. "How much further?" She groans.

"You wanted the scenic route, right?" Qrow asks her with a chuckle.

"What? I never –"

"Yes you did." Ren immediately interrupts, hands behind his back as he walks beside her, her eyes rise up to his and she smiles and looks ahead.

"Hm, guess I did." She agrees, never able to argue with Ren.

The five of them walk across the path that moves underneath one of the many huge waterfalls that are around the city of Mistral, built into the Mountain Ranges of Anima. And this is only the Capital of the Kingdom, unlike Vale it is a massive region of land that people live in. The water is bitterly cold from the altitude that they are at above sea level. The wind from the crashing water blows their hair in the wind slightly; Jaune reaches his hand out and brushes some of the water through his gauntleted hand.

But then...

They are all treated to one hell of a view.

The waterfall finally is out of their way, and they all stare out at the incredible City of Mistral. Ruby gasps, mystified by it all, and she jogs forward and presses her hands on the railing. "Wow..." She gasps with stupefaction. Qrow chuckles as he approaches her side with the rest of her team with her, and Jaune stares at it all.

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