Chapter 22 - The Battle of Mistral - Pt. 3

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She leaps into the air as Fury uses his massive wings to throw himself into the air. He pulls his massive fire coated arm back, forming a fireball in his palm, throwing it straight behind her. Ruby fires Crescent Rose downwards, using the recoil to shoot her light body into the air to avoid the shell. The fireball explodes into the ground, throwing massive burning chunks of roadwork into the air, the shockwave pushing them back.

As Fury hovers above them, Ruby throws herself straight at him, digging the Scythe into his chest, firing downwards to slam her and the Knight into the ground with force. Fury rolls and tumbles, forming the two axes in his hands, driving them into the tarmac to slow himself down. The tarmac shatters and melts into lava beneath the superheated axe heads that he drags through the ground. Smoke trails from the flames that crackle from the molten rock beneath him.

Ruby lands with the rest of Team R.W.B.Y and Adam stands before them all, Wilt and Blush held in his hand. The tall Taurus Warrior glares directly at Fury, with one hand gripping the scabbard named Blush and the other holding the hilt of Wilt. He shows little to no fear, perfectly calm as he stands before them with steady breath. Blake still cannot believe it; neither can Yang as she feels faint phantom pains in her arm.

Fury erupts in an explosion of anger, charging at the five of them with both burning axes clutched in his hands, his eyes bleeding with fire. The magma inside of his volcanic chassis glows bright red as he smashes the axe straight at Adam. The White Fang Commander ducks down, dodging the attack, his black trench coat blowing in the wind from his strike as he passes by him. He spins round, swiping the red blade of Wilt straight up his back and the Knight immediately turns back around, punching the ground with his axe. The tarmac ripples from his impact and the heat from his hand begins to pass into the tarmac, turning it into liquid tar. Fury smirks at Adam, and the warrior retreats from the melting road before him.

Weiss creates a Glyph underneath her feet, using it is a platform to float across the tar and even freezing it over to stop it from harming her. She zooms towards Fury, causing the Knight to stare straight at her. She cuts across his side with the pointed blade of Myrtenaster. Fury grunts in pain, staggering forward with embers spilling from his wound. But pain just infuriates him further, causing him to thrash his axes around even more.

Unlike Death and the others, he does not have the tactical mind that they have; he is just pure rage, one that just goes all-out to kill someone. But that also means that he is stronger and can withstand more punishment than Fear or Loss. Weiss drifts round to attack again, but the flaming wings of the enraged Knight stretch out from his fire formed cape, and he smashes them straight into Weiss, knocking her off her platform and onto the road. She yelps, bouncing and tumbling across the road. Weiss' attention focuses on the Knight as he sprints straight at her, leaping high in the air with both axes held above his head. His battle-cry echoes for miles. Weiss rolls to her side, grabbing Myrtenaster as he lands right where she laid. Fury smashes the axes straight into the tarmac and he grits his teeth, staring straight at her, almost twitching in anger.

He rips them both from the ground, leaving a pair of fire coated wounds in the tarmac, smoke rising from them. Fury smashes the axes down at Weiss over and over, but she avoids them by crawling or rolling out of the way of them as he repeatedly bashes the ground with them where she was.

Weiss points her sword right at him, creating a Glyph that blocks the axes. He snarls in anger, the ice cold glyph begins to freeze over his burning arms, revealing the pumice underneath the fire and the magma in his wrists has cooled down. Yang takes her chance, sprinting straight at Fury, punching him right into his wrists. Fury roars in pain, staggering back as his arms shatter like glass, fragments of pumice plummeting and exploding as they hit the floor. Yang dodges the attacks of the Knight, his stumps are still weapons to him, and she ducks down to avoid them and swipes her foot into his quickly. It nearly trips him over but he rolls across the floor, righting himself up.

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