Chapter 9 - The Fable of the Four Knights

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Hours before her arrival...

The large personnel carrier floats across the ocean, days have passed now since the complete destruction of Kuo Kuana. It is unknown if there were any survivors from the town, and no footage was released of the entity that lead the assault there that day. The only ones that really saw it were Blake and Sun, and the Captain of the boat merely got a glimpse of the monster when it spoke.

A voice that would give anybody nightmares.

Kill them all...

That is what that monstrosity bellowed from the burning remnants of the place that Blake once called home. She is still shell shocked even now, not as seriously as she was a few days ago, but she is still extremely shocked. Her arms wrapped around her knees as she sits there on the sofa with Sun across the room from her. There are very few people on this ship, only a couple of people that were on the docks managed to get aboard, mostly the crew got onboard. Sun turns his head to look at Blake, concerned for how she is feeling.

But how do you begin a conversation with somebody who just watched their mother and father be murdered in front of them?

He sighs, prepared for whatever barrage of angered comments she may throw his way due to how he had to pull her away from the corpse of her father to save her life. She has every reason to be mad at him, something he believes wholeheartedly. Finally – Sun speaks to her. "Blake...I'm not gonna ask how you're feeling, because I know. you want me to get you anything?" Sun asks her with a gently spoken voice, looking over at the black haired Faunus Huntress.

Blake slowly lifts her head, and her eyes are still wet with tears, and the way she looks at him he can tell that she just wants his comfort. Immediately he springs up from where he was sat, and he approaches her, sitting down beside her on the couch, putting his arm round her shoulders and holding her close, she buries her head into his chest. Then she lets her tears stream from her eyes, sobbing with torment as she remains in his warm embrace. Sun affectionately caresses her long black hair with his hand, his tail curled up around her just so then she can feel safe.

He does not often show his comforting side to people, but whenever he does, he truly means it.

"They're all gone, Sun...Everything I ran from Beacon, from Yang and's all gone..." She cries, trying to catch her breath amongst the many tears down her cheeks and from her eyes. The makeup that she once wore has been smudged with the tears, but she is not about to care or complain.

That would take the phrase – out of taste – to a whole new low.

Sun remains there, still quite silent because of the memories that their deaths had resurfaced, so many things pulsate in the back of his mind.

I never even got to know them...

To make Ghira believe in me...

I should have saved them...

But as he always has done, he pushes those negative thoughts back into his mind, letting them dwell and eat away at the back of his mind and his memories. He just lets out an exhale as he comforts the girl he loves with all his heart. "What kind of Huntress am I if I cannot save the people I love?" She sniffles, Sun looks down at her and he lifts her head with his thumb so then she gazes upon his blue eyes.

"Hey, now you listen to me. Don't ever blame yourself for what happened there, okay? Whatever that thing was that lead the Grimm, that is what did this." Sun explains to her, but as stubborn as ever she shakes her head. Blake Belladonna, so determined to take the blame for something she did not do, but unwilling to let others do the same thing.

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