Chapter 18 - Extinction

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Ruby runs out of the building to Qrow after finding out what she has learned about the Schools, and that they are coming for Lionheart to gain access to his vault. Ruby looks around; there are now three military trucks with Mistraalian Knights, putting the Professor inside, and Qrow walks up to her. "Some Knights offered to help, so maybe Nora can shut up." Qrow sighs as he approaches her. Ruby looks up at her uncle, with a hint of concern in her huge silver eyes, something her Uncle catches onto immediately.

"Uncle Qrow, we need to get him to Haven, now." Ruby informs with her stammering voice.

"What's the hurry?" Qrow asks her, still confused by the lack of information.

"Because I have found something important out." Ruby says as she walks towards the car that they took here. Ruby opens the car door and she puts her foot in, turning to Qrow with her hand still holding onto the chassis. "The Relics, I know which ones are held at which school. Knowledge was Beacon, Creation is Mistral, Choice is Vacuo and Destruction is Atlas." Ruby explains.

"Okay, I still don't see the hurry, Mistral is secure." Qrow states, clearly they all have no idea about the deteriorating situation in the city right now.

"Watts has been playing him from the beginning. He has been trying to gain access to his vault by getting information out of him by earning is trust. Lionheart is the only person who can gain access to the Vault, just like how only Ozpin could at Beacon." Ruby explains to him. "Which means that the Knights of Grimm are coming for Professor Lionheart." She explains to him. Qrow understands very quickly and he nods, opening the car door as Scarlet gets in the back.

"Let's go." He says.

The car starts up with a roar and they all start driving out onto the road to get back there. They move across the roads, past traffic to get back to Haven, but whilst they drive, they all then see the smoke rising from different spots in the city. The riot is getting worse and it has all happened while they were in that facility. Nora's eyes widen in disbelief when she sees the smoke.

"Oh no..." She gasps, concern in her tone, thinking about Ren who's still in there.

"What hell is going on in there?" Kassius questions as he grasps the back of Qrow's seat, staring at the city of Mistral with smoke rising from the many riots that have been sprung. Ruby's eyes move downwards to the scroll in her pocket and she takes it out, to reveal Weiss' profile picture on her contact list that is calling her right now.

"Weiss?" Ruby mumbles.

Ruby answers the call, holding Scroll out on speakerphone so then everybody can hear what she says. "Ruby?" Weiss calls with worry in her voice, worrying every single one of them right now.

"Weiss?" Ruby asks.

"Nora!" Nora squeaks with excitement somehow, throwing all of them through a loop. Kassius looks at her with a raised eyebrow at how she could possibly be all gleeful in this time of crisis.

But that is Nora Valkyrie after all.

Ruby returns back to the call, moving on from her adorable friend. "Weiss...what's going on? We can see the smoke from all the way out here." Ruby asks her with confusion.

"Out here? What are you talking about? Where are you?" Weiss questions, since she and everyone else has no idea of what they have just seen.

All they knew is that they were confronting Lionheart.

"Lionheart took us to an old facility outside of Haven Academy; it had some old documents on the Relics that Ozpin told us about." Ruby explains. "The one here is the Relic of Creation, and that guy with the moustache when we were jumped by the Knights and Cinder?" Ruby asks her.

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