Chapter 14 - Corvi Et Mortem

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She wields her Odachi Sword in her hand, the red blade protecting her daughter who looks up at the woman dressed in red. Death steps back from her, darkness following him as he stands there, staring straight into Raven's red eyes. His menacing breath emerges from the mask; the helmet is very, very similar to the mask that she wears most of the time, except it is black instead of white and red like most other Grimm. Raven points the tip of the sword right at Death with a scowl on her face, ready to fight him. "Leave, Death." She demands.

"The end of life is coming, Raven Branwen. Not even you can run from it." Death speaks, his voice comprised of hundreds of different voices, all speaking in unison at once, all the lives of those that he has taken. Trillions of lives are probably inside him right now. Amongst the voices, Pyrrha's can actually be heard in his speech.

"You will not hurt my child." Raven snarls at him, gritting her teeth as she stares at the demonic being. His cape transforms into the Nevermore Wings that spread out, the sharp feathers stretching out, blocking out the light reflected from the fractured moon. Death lifts his sword up at here, glaring right at her, plants dying around him and decomposing away.

"Extinction comes for all life on Remnant eventually, Raven...even the Humans and Faunus will meet theirs soon." Death states as he points his sword at her. "The time has come for life to fall behind the horizon and for the armies of my claimed to walk across the fields once more. I am here to claim what belongs to me. For far too long have Huntsmen and Huntresses utilised my gift for their own gain." He explains, standing tall as he looks down at them, towering above Raven, but she is not afraid of him, she just stares straight back. "All life will return where it the Infinite and the Unbound." He says with menacing intent.

Raven grits her teeth, swinging her sword straight at him with force. Death blocks her attack with his wing and he kicks her right in the chest, launching her backwards. Raven drags the blade of her Odachi into the soil to slow herself. Down. She launches towards him, transforming into a physical Raven, flapping her feathered wings to build up speed. She then warps back into her human form, punching Death in the head, the impact creates a shockwave and he staggers backwards, looking right at her.

He lifts the blade of his sword up, the razor sharp serrated blade coated in darkness and red light flowing through the markings on the weapon. Raven stands ready for combat, her red eyes locked with the Archangel. "What right do you have to choose who lives and who dies?" Raven questions, and Death stands his ground.

"Time runs out for everyone eventually." Death states.

"My daughter will not be one of them." Raven snarls with anger, standing right in front of her daughter protectively.

Death glares her down, then his breath slowly emerges from the helmet. "Then you have accepted your fate." He snarls.

Black and red electrical forks of light begin to crackle across the blade of his sword and he points it straight at her, blasting a constant beam of lightning right at her. Raven gasps, leaping out of the way and running towards him and the constant blast of lightning carves through the forest treeline like a super-heated knife cutting through them, causing them all to collapse upon contact. Raven jumps towards him, swinging the blade of her sword down towards him, but Death swings it back at her, blocking her attack with his sword. He pushes her back and then kicks her right in the chest.

But Raven is strong, able to stick the landing and return for more combat against him. She forms red portals constantly, bouncing around him in fast attacks with her Odachi, slashing into his body with the red blade over and over. Raven yells as she drives the sword straight through death's chest, protruding through his back. The Angel-Like wings spread out and he growls in pain, but then he stares right at her. Raven looks at his burning red eyes as he stares straight through into her soul.

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