Chapter 23 - An Eye For An Eye

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He smashes Ruyi Jingu Bang across the head of a Griffin that lands right down in front of him. The impact blasts the dirt and grass past him as they remain where Oscar was taken by the Knight of Fear. The Griffin staggers from the impact, an almighty bang from the impact, cracking the bone skull armour for a head it has. The Griffin snarls with anger as it roars, jumping at him with its beak open and talons extended to slash at him. Sun brings the staff upwards and knocks the beast back with a boom.

The Griffin staggers back and he claps his hands together as he focuses his mind and forms three Via Sun forms before him that grab onto the wings of the Beast. The huge Griffin roars with rage as the three glowing gold aura forms of Sun hold the creature down, whilst Kassius rushes towards the monster. He jumps high in the air and drives both blades into its spine and slices clean through the thick black hide of the creature. It shrieks in agony as the thick plumes of jet black smoke pours out from the wounds it has inflicted.

With all his might, he runs and drags the swords through the shoulders of the Griffin, cutting both the wings and the front legs of the creature clean off. The Griffin collapses face first into the ground with a bang, and Kassius jumps off it, landing on his knee with his swords in his grasp. He looks around and he turns when he hears the rumbling of a Creep that tunnels towards it. It suddenly erupts right in front of him, launching soil and grass into the air. It immediately smashes its armoured head into his chest to knock him back.

The Creep bellows monstrously, sprinting towards both of them and Sun fires his Gun-Chucks at the beast over and over again, blowing segments of armour from its head, before he thrusts the staff forwards and stabbing it straight through the softer section of its head in order to kill it.

The Creep and the Griffin both slowly disintegrate away into a cloud of smoke and they both stand there, feeling utterly defeated.

"Goddamn it!" Kassius roars with rage as he punches a tree with his cybernetic fist. "We were right there!"

"There wasn't anything we could have done..." Sun sighs, he may feel the same anger that Kassius feels.

"What do we do?" Kassius questions...a query that will be difficult to answer.

"I don't know...but we need to find the others." Sun says.

"Got it...let's go." Kassius agrees, as they make their departure from the forest that Oscar was taken from.


The black dragon soars across the night sky, its hissing shrieks travelling across the hilly landscape. Black shells plummet from its ebony scales, crashing into the ground, giving birth to fresh new Grimm. The Beowulves and Ursa roar as they land, attacking the surviving civilians in the streets with animosity fuelling their attacks. Creeps dig into the ground, popping up before civilians, mauling them with their massive jaws, running on bipedal legs. Qrow can only watch in horror as he witnesses a massive failure. The Knight of Death looks down as the Grimm flood the city like a plague, killing everything in their path. Neptune and Scarlet are both injured still, using their weapons while they still can as Thara attempts to start the car to get them out of there. Qrow's bad luck affecting them once more.

Death tightens his grip on Ferrum Arctus and he turns to face the Huntsman that he has defeated. "Your time has not come...but others have." Death states. "This is the beginning of your extinction, Qrow Branwen. Do not fight it, for it cannot be defeated. I will claim all souls eventually, maybe not today, maybe not could take years...but from this day onwards...your daughter will be my target even if she survives this night." Death explains. "Did you really think that I kill where I wish? When I wish?" He questions. "I am bound by my code, to kill when it is time for them to die. We have simply been playing you; keeping you occupied...the people here have become the chosen to die with Mistral. If it were that would all be dead." Death assures him.

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