Chapter 13 - Callows

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Sun and Sage help carry the wounded Winter Schnee into the Safehouse after Scarlet opens the door. He lifts his flintlock pistol up, aiming down the sighs to see if anyone is inside. But the place is just as empty as it was when they left it. Winter cries out in agony, her wound is getting worse. Sun and Sage carry her over the couch, setting her down on it gently, the door slams shut after Neptune checks if it is clear.

The Mercenaries could be anywhere. Winter grits her teeth in pain, dirt covering her face and her hair. They get the brown overalls off her body and underneath is the same white Atlas Coat with the red brooch around her neck. Just like she was when Weiss saw her again at Beacon. But there are blood stains around her belly where she was attacked, probably by a Mercenary.

Sun notices that the wound is starting to bleed again. She groans in pain, dried up blood coating her palms. She coughs as well, blood leaking from her lip. "Never...was very mending...wounds." She weakly says, coughing in between sentences from time to time. Scarlet puts her sword down on the floor by her side so then they can tend to her wounds. Sun looks to Scarlet, he has always been better at this stuff, but he is still no medic.

"What do we do? How do we help her?" Sun asks him.

Scarlet turns to Sage, pointing at him. "Go get the med-kit." Scarlet requests. Scarlet looks at her. "I need to get to the wound." He says, holding the blade of his cutlass up. He needs to open a hole in the clothes so he can mend it. Winter nods at him, giving him permission to do so. He carefully pushes the sword through the fabric, making sure that he doesn't cut her, only getting the tip through the fabric, sawing through it, and then ripping it open.

He observes the damage and his eyes widen from awe at the wound. "By the gods..." He says in disbelief, the wound is bad. And she has an infection from whatever hit her, it was bladed though, and it cut pretty deep. Blood oozes from the wound where she attempted to stitch it together, not very well mind, but she was on the run, no time to be artistic about it. Sun pushes his hands down on the wound to hold the bleeding back as best as he can.

"What did this?" Sun asks her, to keep her mind focused on something other than the pain.

"Tonfa..." Winter answers with a strain in her voice. "Some mercenaries jumped me." She says, coughing more with blood leaking from her lips. She is quite pale and sweat beading from the pores in her skin.

"Yeah, we've had our run-ins with those guys." Sun says to her. She looks at him.

"Weiss? Is she okay?" Winter asks, almost immediately when Sun hasn't already asked her something. Her thoughts immediately on her baby sister.

"She's fine." Sun promises with a smile, Winter closes her eyes and she sighs with relief.

"All I ever wanted...was for her to live a normal life..." Winter explains. "To do whatever she ever wanted, and when I heard she wanted to follow in my footsteps...well I was worried. I was scared that she might be too soft for the outside world." Winter explains. Neptune leans over from the curtains as he looks around.

"Take it from me, she isn't." He just says.

"We call her the Ice Queen for a reason." Sun points out with a chuckle. Winter smiles a little but then she winces in pain from the wound. Sage comes running in with the green box with medical supplies inside. He opens it up next to Scarlet and he immediately puts disposable rubber gloves on, also giving some to Sun so then he can hold the pressure on the wound. Scarlet picks up a cushion and gives it to sun to place it down.

"Okay...there should be a cloth in there and a bottle of disinfectant." Scarlet says, searching through. He pulls out a white piece of gauze and after some searching, a small flask of clear rubbing alcohol to kill any infections. There are also antibiotics in there, but he knows that he needs to seal the wound and cover it with a bandage before wasting medicine on a wound that can get infected again in seconds.

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