Chapter 16 - Parents

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She looks at the two Branwens as they both look at her. Qrow is the first to walk over to her, whilst Raven looks at the little girl, seeing so much of Summer in her. Raven actually has a slight tear in her eye, feeling nostalgia as she looks at the daughter of one of her closest friends she has ever known. Even her personality is just like Summer's; they are both so similar in every single way, even when it comes to both outfits and weapon choice.

Qrow crouches down to her side, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. "How are you holding up, kiddo? You took one hell of a hit down there." Qrow asks her, checking for any wounds, but she is much better now. She still has a cough but she is better than she was. Her aura has repaired the internal bleeding she suffered from that terrible crash that the Knight of Death caused. And they were very close to being killed by him when he showed up in the forest.

Weiss has stopped spluttering thanks to the help that everyone managed to give her, and Blake is asleep, her hand holding Sun's as he sits beside her. Yang is asleep as well, the sun is up still but everyone has deserved a rest after what they just went through, against Death. Ruby smiles, nodding to her Uncle, her eyes barely open from exhaustion as she comfortably lays there.

"I'm okay." She assures him. Qrow smiles, patting her head, but Ruby's eyes are fixed on Raven as she stands there. She has heard of her before, but seeing her in person is something else entirely. And Ruby can tell she is Yang's mother, the resemblance can be seen everywhere, only difference is the colour of their hair and eyes. "Are you..." She begins. Qrow looks at Raven after his niece asks her aunt the question that the youngest ones must have been asking for so long now.

"I'm Raven." She answers, looking at the little girl, walking over to her as well. She takes her sheathed Odachi and disconnects it from her belt, setting it down on one of the tables. Ruby looks at it in amazement, that sword that she saw in the photograph that Qrow showed her and Yang back at Beacon after his little...scuffle...with Winter. The scabbard contains multiple different blades all forged from the many elements of Dust, meaning she has a formidable weapon at her disposal. "I'm Yang's mom." Raven adds and Ruby looks at her in disbelief.

"Where have you been?" Ruby asks and Raven sighs, scratching the back of her head awkwardly, since that is a hell of a question to answer. She has never been very good at family stuff. Neither of them have, but Qrow's was due to his semblance rather than his personality.

Raven looks at Ruby.

"I have been with the tribe that raised your Uncle and I." Raven begins.


She stands with her people; they all wear a similar colour scheme, red and black kinds of colours as they traverse across Remnant. Some of her Bandit Highwaymen that fight alongside her, under her command, have similar coloured blades in their possession, along with all kinds of rifles slung round as well. They've got countless impressive tattoos and scars on their bodies from their lives struggling in the wilderness as Bandits.

She holds her Odachi in her hand tight as they march across the land, destroying everything in their path. A village burns behind them after they destroyed it, taking the resources from the villagers that lived there. Outside the houses, one of the Bandits takes his sword and he plunges it down into his ribcage, killing him slowly as he twists the blade. The poor civilian chokes on his own blood as it floods his lungs, dying eventually. The Bandit takes his lien and anything else he could find on his person, before ditching him.

"We were...lost..." Raven narrates with anguish in her tone of voice, remembering the past events as clearly as when it happened. "Believing that life is as simple as survival of the fittest. And we thought we couldn't be defeated." Raven explains

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