Chapter 5 - Fury

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Scarlet opens the door from the house that Team S.S.S.N bought as a Safehouse, and he looks around for any Mercenaries. He turns back to Weiss and the others and he nods, walking outside with his Flintlock Pistol in his hand. His narrow grass green eyes examine each and every individual that walks by. Checking them for hidden weapons or for the tattoos on them that could match those of the Mercenaries that walk around here in disguise.

Just as those ones did that jumped her and Neptune earlier.

Sage takes point and Neptune gets Weiss in the middle of them so then she is safe. They walk through the crowds to get to the main building where Professor Lionheart currently is. Heading towards where Ruby is currently sitting inside of, a large house not far from the Dormitories of Haven Academy. But they have no idea that they are even inside of that building to begin with.

And they are aiming to speak with Professor Lionheart.

They carefully keep their eyes peeled for anything suspicious. Neptune leans over to Weiss' ear, covered by the hood. Her large blue eyes turn when she hears his voice.

"Who do think sold you out?" He asks her.

"I don't know, Klein wouldn't ever betray me. He's the only real family I have left. But no one else knew." She whispers in return. Neptune keeps his eyes open for any Mercenaries that could be hunting her. Sage looks up at the rooftops and he actually sees some Mercenaries on the roofs with Sniper Rifles.

They wear black cloaks over their outfits. These ones are not trying to blend in, they wear a mixture of blacks, reds and golds over their bodies, not much armour on the Snipers, but the soldiers could be different. They also have glowing red goggles with three lenses that can forge together into one whenever they need to. Sage whispers into Scarlet's ears.

"Got guys on the rooftops." Sage warns.

"Yeah, I see them." Scarlet agrees, looking straight ahead. But then his eyes focus on the front of the crowd, a bunch of soldiers pacing towards them with thick trench coats, the same colour scheme. The trench coats are large enough to conceal a weapon, either a Sub-Machine Gun or even a fairly small Rifle. Scarlet looks carefully, seeing the tattoos on their necks. The same tattoo that the others have had. They are walking directly towards them as well. "Straight ahead." Scarlet says to them all.

"Crap..." Weiss quietly whispers, squinting her eyes shut with stress beating through her bloodstream.

"Keep your head down, we'll hope that they don't notice you." Sage whispers to her. "It'll be fine." They walk on, closer to those mercenaries directly in front of them, and Weiss bows her head down, the only thing that they could see is maybe her button-nose and her white hair. But with Neptune stood with her she is even more shielded by his taller and broader body which protects her. She continues to walk, almost like Ruby does with her hood up, keeping her chin close to her collarbone.

The Mercenaries look at the Huntsmen and at her, but they don't really take notice, walking past them. Weiss exhales with relief when they pass by her, luckily not discerned towards her presence. Neptune places his hand on Weiss' shoulder and he carefully moves her to the left so then he can stand in front of the view of a sniper so then it might not notice her. Scarlet holds the grip of his Flintlock Pistol, ready to draw if he has to. His sword is at the ready as well, Sage also keeps his hand near his back so then he can get his sword unsheathed and fight anyone that challenges them.

Neptune looks through the crowd, struggling to notice any Mercenaries, as they do seem to blend in with the citizens of Mistral. Since many people tend to wear hats or hoods, it is hard to tell who is an innocent and who is a threat. Not only that but it is not just the Mercenary Organisation hunting Weiss that they need to be aware of, she has a public bounty on her head and freelance bounty hunters could surround them.

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