Chapter 21 - The Battle of Mistral - Pt. 2

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His scythe digs through the black feathers of the Nevermore and he yells, his arms nearly ripped from their sockets as he is yanked from the collapsing ground from the warzone. Qrow roars in anger, holding onto the murderer of his beloved, the one he never realised was the Knight of Death at the time...just another Creature of Grimm at the time.

The Nevermore flaps its Lancaster Bomber sized wings with force, crushing buildings down as he flies. Death slashes his sword like talons at Qrow and he yells in anger. Qrow pulls down with his Scythe, all of his might being yanked into the handle of his Scythe, dragging the titan down with him. The Nevermore screeches, dropping down from the sky and crashing straight into the town beneath them.

Qrow rips the curved blade of his scythe clean from the gut of the Grimm, landing on his two feet. His Scythe transforms back into the huge sword that he carries and fights most often with. The Nevermore smashes straight through an entire street, the huge wings slicing through and toppling whole houses onto the ground. Black smoke erupts from the dark feathers of the enormous beast as it scrapes along the ground.

The body shrinks down, the bones crunching and feathers falling from the body as it morphs into the Knight of Death. Death drags the blade of his sword into the floor, the grassy decorative floor around him rotting away into dead blades of grass. His blood red eyes focus on the Huntsman who stands there. "After all of these was you." Qrow snarls, staring right at Death. Death rises, spinning his sword through his fingers as he stands there.

"The Summer Rose...You and she were joined..." Death chuckles menacingly and sadistically, if he had a face he would be smirking right now. Qrow grits his teeth, scowling straight at the Knight as he glares at him. He tightens his grip on his sword as he stands there. Death looks right at him, emotionlessly staring amidst the chaos. "You cannot stop extinction, Corvus." He says, calling him by an ancient translation of the word crow which sounds like an insult as well, since he refers to him as an animal, not as a human being. Qrow lifts the blade of his sword up, staring straight into the burning red eyes of the Knight of Death, anger in his red eyes.

" Qrow Branwen." Qrow growls. "You took Summer from her daughter...her stepdaughter, from her best friend...from me. I may not have known you were real at first...but I don't care about what the stories say." Qrow explains with animosity in his voice, still pointing his sword at Death across the road from him, Qrow's red cape blowing in the wind and Death's black one also blows as they have their standoff. "I will kill you for what you did." Qrow promises. Death chuckles menacingly, his wings spreading from his wings as he glares at the Branwen.

"Come then...Qrow Branwen..." Death snarls, holding his sword back to fight, armoured boot a step forward and his other hand clenched into a fist. "...have your resolution." He challenges coldly.

Qrow and Death glare at each other, both exceptionally skilled warriors, knowing that one of them must strike first to begin this fight. Qrow and him begin to circle one another as they walk; Death has precise footwork, as does Qrow. Thousands of years of combat have lead to this moment. Qrow and Death approach each other slowly and they both begin their bout. Death swings the blade of his Black Blade straight at Qrow and the Huntsman brings his sword directly up, creating a loud clang upon impact.

Death holds his sword, named Ferrum Arctus, the Sword of the Night. Qrow slashes the blade of his sword straight at Death, causing him to immediately counter it, lifting the blade coated in shadows upwards to deflect his attack, kicking him in his knee. Qrow grunts in pain but he immediately spins the sword across his feet. Death jumps up to avoid it, giving Qrow the time to avoid Ferrum Arctus as he drives it into the floor. Death bellows with animalistic rage, using the forces of nature itself to smash his sword into the ground, cracking the floor with force like an Earthquake is attacking the ground.

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