Chapter 19 - The Cowardly Lion

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Lionheart pushes the doors of his office open, frantically locking it to escape. The screams of the students can be heard from inside as the Knights of Grimm cut them down with ease. He stammers in fear as he searches through his drawers to find a way to get into his Vault.

He looks up at the door every now and then and he hears the scream of a student pounding on it for help. "Professor! Help us!" He cries out. His screams grow and grow, the deep and heavy footsteps of something approaching him. "Please no!" He cries out. His screams are silenced when the black blade protrudes through the wooden door and blood leaks into the room. He stammers in horror, knowing that one of his students has been killed by Death.

He expects Death to enter but he doesn't. He disappears as quickly as he arrived. The Knights are wiping out the Mistral Defences and he picks up a device in his hand and he looks right at it, breathing through his nose. He then picks up a key, the same key that was used to go to the Vault on Beacon. Lionheart steps away from his desk, towards the elevator.

"If you turn back now...I will tear this school apart to get in there." Death threatens. He stops and he looks over his shoulder, seeing his potted plants dead, the Archangel of Death stood behind him with his sword in his black armoured hand.

"I know what's at stake." Lionheart promises.

"Ozpin was arrogant enough to carry his Relic everywhere he least you know where it should be." He says.

Death turns and walks away from him. For whatever reason, the Knights of Grimm cannot manifest themselves into the Vault, something is blocking their entrance. Perhaps the architects found a way to keep them out of the Vault, a barrier of some kind. Lionheart steps into the open elevator and the doors close in front of him as Death vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

The elevator starts to move down the mountains at great speeds to enter the Underground Vault that each Academy seems to harbour. He shakes as he stands there, knowing that his Kingdom is falling right above his head.

But he wants only one thing out of all of this.


The elevator comes to a stop eventually at the bottom floor and the doors open up, revealing the huge dark green vault, green flames burning on the torches inside. He runs inside, running as fast as he can to find the Relic and to keep them from becoming too impatient. He turns in the cross section. There are hundreds of ancient artefacts in here that have never been seen before.

From black Odachi's instead of red to unknown elements kept here. Some of these things must be so important that they must be hidden here. He finally reaches the end of the hall and he sees the large container that contains the Relic. He holds his hand before it and he twists it round, the light piercing through, nearly blinding him. He looks at the small rock, how something can be so powerful...and so is really terrifying. He picks up a cane that is beside it, very similar to the one that belongs to Ozpin.

The Canes must be designed to carry the Relics. He opens the head of the cane and he presses it down onto the Relic like using a pair of tongs to pick up something that is extremely hot. The relic is connected to the cane's interior as he picks it up and the cane charges up. He twists the lid of the cane's head back on to contain the power and he runs from it as the place begins to shut down. It's like they used it to charge the place, and now it all makes sense...

How they have survived this long without Atlesian Tech...

They have been using the Relic as a Power Source to survive, to power their defences around the walls that guard their precious home from the Grimm. And now he has taken that power source from the network. He flees back to the elevator and to return to the surface. The elevator flies up the shaft to return to the top, he stammers in fear as he stands inside. Hearing the rumbling of destruction getting stronger and stronger the closer to the top he gets.

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