Chapter 11 - Punishment

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The Fall Maiden...

She glares at a tiny candle that sits there, lacking the warmth of a flame to burn above its waxy body.

She lights the precious little candle over and over again with her Fall Maiden Abilities. Every snap of her finger lights the candlestick with a spark, and then she blows it out with one huff from her lips. Her one amber eye remains, looking at the flame as she continuously repeats this.

She closes that eye when she sees her reflection, her long black hair covering over the patch that covers her face. She sniffles, a tear leaking from her eye as she stands there. She is on her own in here; no one is inside with her. She looks at the reflection of herself in the window, wiping the tear from her cheek as it trickles down the smooth side of her face.

She is a beautiful girl, but all of that rage, that hunger for power has made her lose those looks at just create a face that people will grow to fear instead of be attracted to. She touches the patch on her face and she shudders at it. But she takes her hand away, unable to look at herself. Her eyes travel down to the table where here tear has just landed. She clenches her hand into a fist as anger channels through her from her head into her hand.

She arches her fist up and she smashes her fist into the table with tremendous force, screaming in anger as she punches it. The table snaps loudly with a wooden crunch, splinters leaping in the air with the plume of dust created from her punch. She grits her teeth in anger. She tries to fight the tears that leak from her large eye but she struggles to.

Why won't she let me go after the little brat that did this to me?

That girl...Pyrrha Nikos...she should have done as Ozpin said, she would have survived and Ruby wouldn't have unlocked her power...

And maybe I could look in the mirror again.

Cinder sighs, her confused emotions flowing through her muscles and her skin constantly.

She opens it, looking at herself one more time. Only then does she notice that she is no longer alone. Stood behind her is the Knight of Loss. She looks at her through the black veil that covers her face. The glow of her sapphire eyes faintly glowing through the black fabric. Cinder gasps, the woman stands there, and her pale blue skin making her look almost ghost-like. Cinder slowly turns to the woman behind her, the bow around her on her back. Her long white hair floats around, like she is underwater almost."What do you want?" Cinder harshly grills with gritted teeth and partially flaming irises, her voice trembling in fear of the Knight or from her sorrow. Using rage to disguise her trepidation of the mysterious entity that she does not even recognise.

Loss tilts her head slightly at the young girl.

"Sweet thing...why are you sad?" Loss asks. Cinder looks at her and she wipes a tear from her eye.

"You're here, your presence...right?" Cinder presumes, but mysterious female Knight of Loss just shakes her head.

"I sensed your sadness and I came, wanted to see what was wrong." Loss says, her voice is almost comforting to Cinder, gentle and soft as she speaks. Cinder looks away from her, no longer the confident girl that she was back at Beacon, she has become weaker with her great power. She lost something back on that tower, just like Ruby and the others did.

"I don't..." Cinder stammers, her voice breaking in grief. "I don't know." Cinder says. Loss slowly walks towards her. Loss reaches out to Cinder's cheek and Cinder shudders, feeling an ice cold breath of air from her palm as it nears her face.

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