Chapter 15 - Family

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Bullets whoosh through the air over his red spiky hair, with his shotgun scabbard in his hand and the red blade of Wilt and Blush in the other. The Acolytes of Lien aim their rifles at their location, firing constantly, cracks from every single shot pulled from the triggers. Metallic bangs burst from the impacts of bullets against the sheet of metal, sparks dancing across the floor that glimmer brightly. One of the Mercenaries, whom is wearing a high tech dust backpack with four huge pistons protruding out from it with orange dust flowing through it. The pistons crackle with electricity from the dust loaded inside, and then he suddenly warps towards the White Fang at supersonic speeds, the wind rushing past his body as he moves. There is a trail of red electrical matter behind the path that the Mercenary had taken, holding a Sub Machine Gun in his grasp, aiming it straight at Adam as he appears next to him.

Adam spins round, and he slashes the red blade of his Chokutō upwards across the chest plate of the soldier, sparks and crimson red blood erupt from the impact of the sword, knocking him into the air. The soldier screams in pain, as Adam rises up and he spins Blush through his fingers, firing the shotgun straight into his sternum, the impact throws his cadaver into the ground. Shards of shotgun shell imbedded into his ribs and lungs inside. He lies on the ground, dead from Adam's lethal attack, he spirals round and he deflects a bullet from one of the soldiers, managing to send it flying right back. The bullet punctures straight through the visor of the Acolyte of Lien Soldier, shattering the glowing red glass, blowing the back of his skull apart. The soldier collapses to the ground from the lethal hit.

Adam aims his shotgun at another soldier, launching shrapnel from the barrel at them, hitting one in the chest. The soldier jolts back from the impact, crashing to the floor. Adam stands there and one of the soldiers shoots him in the arm. Adam yells in pain from the impact, pushing the blade of his sword into the ground to hold himself up. He grits his teeth in anger from the pain, blood leaking down his arm. His aura begins to regenerate around the wound, crackles of red aura reconstructing the damage made to his body, the blood still trickling down his bicep. The wound closes up slowly and he rises back up, staring straight at that soldier who rolls behind a crate, reloading a new magazine into his rifle.

A second Mercenary, wearing the same type of Dust Backpack charges towards him again with a Katana in his grasp, slashing across Adam's side, scraping his aura and causing the warrior to fall to one knee. He slows down behind Adam and holds the sword over his head to behead him, swinging it downwards to finish him off, until the electrified whip wraps around the blade and pulls it from his hand. The soldier spins round with widened eyes, seeing the owner of the weapon.

Ilia emerges from the shadows, her skin mimicking the darkness of the shadows with her stern eyes glaring directly at the soldier. The soldier snarls with anger through his helmet and he raises his submachine gun in one hand, firing it towards her. Ilia swings her Whip back and forth with electrical energy crackling constantly to deflect every single bullet that flies her way, and she immediately lashes it forward, wrapping it around his neck. He chokes with pain and she yanks him towards her, swinging her fist with all her might, knocking him onto the ground.

But the Acolyte of Lien is not finished yet, he uses the pack and charges the dust up into it, the releases one powerful electrical pulse that knocks her back, allowing him to stand back up and slash his Katana at her. Ilia hops back and she just dodges his blade with her skilful movements. She twirls round and kicks him across the head, cracking the glowing visor but he still does not fall to the ground. He immediately swings round and manages to land a hit with his sword, slicing her cheek with the Katana, blood drawn from the hit as she falls to the floor. These soldiers are lethal at combat, but her maroon aura slowly healing the deep cut back up. The soldier stares at her and he sprints towards her, grabbing her by the throat, throwing her into the wall, she yelps in pain from his aggressive attack. "This ends now!" The Acolyte of Lien yells, holding his sword above his head, about to plunge it into her soft stomach.

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