Chapter 7 - The Meeting

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"Ruby...Yang...they're both here..." Weiss gasps, she is still amazed by all this information that she has been given about the whereabouts of her team. Although with Blake's current position unknown to her – and even further the world has no idea of what has happened to Menagerie – it is not a full reunion yet. But she has her hopes that Blake will find her way here to Mistral eventually.

Weiss is sat in a chair by the fireplace with her hands brandishing a mug with warm coffee in it, she has not been able to sleep at night due to reoccurring nightmares she has been having. Imagining the sound of the door being kicked in and seeing her father stood there...

What would he think of Neptune?

He probably knows about him now after that attack from those – Acolytes of Lien – guys that jumped me in the Market.

He'll never let me choose who I want, it wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to choose who I would marry, and so then he could gain more power from marrying me to the heir of a powerful family.

I can't live like that...

But can I risk Neptune?

Sure I like him, but does he feel that way about me even with all these guys coming after me?

Suddenly the door opens and she gasps, her eyes burst from their sockets until she immediately calms down, when seeing Neptune stepping out of the shower with his shirt on his shoulder. She cannot help but set her awkward eyes on the physical prowess of the man before her, and he has a couple of small scars on his body as well. Probably from fighting the Grimm, they've all collected a few marks from fighting those beasts.

Especially when Beacon fell.

He pushes his hand through his sapphire blue hair as he stands there, then he looks at her and he cannot help but wink. Weiss yelps, looking away shyly from him, of which only makes him chuckle, attracting him towards her like a positive magnet to a negative one.

Why do you have to fall for a dork like that?

Neptune sits down and he puts his shirt on the armrest, he – like Sun – clearly is not uncomfortable with showing his chest off like that. But from the tan he has, it seems that not overly surprising from him. His orange goggles hang from one of the coat hangers alongside that black and blue coat that he now wears, opposed to the red one that he used to where. "How are you feeling, Snow Angel?" He asks her, calling her by that nickname again – that only seems to have a positive affect from Weiss whenever he says it.

Weiss closes her eyes as she breathes in through her small nose, holding the warm mug of coffee in her petite hands atop her lap, leg crossed over the other and not actually wearing any shoes. A strange thing, seeing her wearing such informal clothing, then again she is only wearing a dressing gown since she only got out of the shower around half an hour ago. Her white hair is still a little damp, sitting on her shoulders, then she exhales, opening her eyes as she looks at him. "I don't know...I'm...worried." Weiss admits with a soft voice, Neptune raises an eyebrow with confusion.

"About what?" Neptune asks her with confusion, she looks at him for a second before looking at her own reflection in the coffee. Then she shuffles on the spot in the chair, before lifting her head to speak to him.

"Have you ever – I dunno – wondered on the choices you made? In your life?" Weiss asks him, and he slightly lifts his head when she asks him that.

"Hmm...What do you mean? Do I tend to dwell on my mistakes or do I like to relive the good memories?" Neptune inquires, and what a good question that is.

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