Chapter 10 - Memoriam

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Ruby sits at the fire, shocked from what she has just learned about the Four Knights of Grimm...knowing that these monsters are out there and they will take everything from them if they do not stop them. Everyone else is also in awe, after Qrow explained the Fall Maidens, the Tale of the Two Brothers, the Silver Eyed Warriors...everything that has happened.

But Ruby's attention now turns to the mysterious Oscar Pine. He has not said a word since he told them that Ozpin is connected to him somehow. Ruby may have been informed ahead of time, but she is still curious of how the whole thing works. Oscar sits there, looking at the fire with his hazel eyes. He never asked to be put in this situation, to be this person with so much responsibility. "Oscar?" Ruby gently asks, his head turns after she speaks and he looks at her, seeing the silver eyes. "What was it like? When you and Ozpin became linked, was it instant?" She asks him. Oscar looks back at his gloved hands and he sighs, sometimes thinking that his hands do not belong to him.

Like he is seeing Ozpin's hands instead from the crossed memories in his head.

"I don't know...I started waking up in my sleep, hearing a voice calling to me. Then he started speaking to me outside of my sleep." Oscar explains to her, Ruby does not say it but her thoughts lead to the nightmares she has had in the past about Pyrrha and what she saw on Beacon Tower. "He only said that now his soul and my soul are combined, he wasn't very clear about the rest. What I said to you was merely his memories with mine, even I don't really understand all of them." Oscar says, and it is ironic because he even is starting to speak like Ozpin now.

"How can I believe you?" Ruby asks him, still a little baffled by it all. Clearly she wants some more proof that he is telling the truth, something more personal than everything else Ozpin has done to prove it to her.

"But I already did..." Oscar stammers with confusion, so Ruby clarifies.

"Ozpin was the headmaster of Beacon Academy – if your memories are merged, then see if you can remember something I did back at school." Ruby suggests curiously, tilting her round head as she looks at the young man. He ponders and ponders, when he begins to hear Ozpin's voice in the back of his mind.

Acting as a guide for him.

"Ask her this simple question, Oscar: How did you kill the Nevermore in the Emerald Forest during your Initiation?" Ozpin advises, Oscar looks to the side a little whilst Ruby quizzes him, since he would never know that himself. But with the combined memories of Ozpin and him, he does know the answer. But it is showing that that Ozpin is really in there.

"What?" Oscar questions with widened eyes in the back of his mind, Ruby only sees his eyes widen slightly.

"Trust me." Ozpin requests, but Oscar's question was more from awe of the fact that someone his age managed to take down a Nevermore by herself.

Well she didn't, but still.

So Oscar sighs, looking at her as he asks the question.

"How did you kill the Nevermore in the Emerald Forest during your Initiation?" Oscar asks her, and the question clearly works like a charm.

"Huh?" Ruby questions, her head tilting like a confused puppy. But Ruby searches through her memories to remember how she killed in, and then it is like she saw it again. But before she can answer.

"You ran up the cliff with Weiss' help, hooking its neck and you beheaded it." Oscar says, and the expression on her face shows that she really does seem to believe him now, because how could he have known that if he was never there?

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