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The young boy with ashen hair walks gleefully down his Atlesian Hallways, completely oblivious to the hell that Mistral is suffering through right now. Unaware that his own sister is dying right now because of Death. Klein walks past him with a silver platter, holding an assortment of sweets and cakes. Whitley does not even glance at Klein; he just takes a cupcake and continues on, taking a bite out of it.

Klein groans, rolling his eyes in disgust at the spoilt brat that just passed him. Whitley approaches the door of his father's office, the cold air creating a bone chilling aura as he approaches. He stops when he hears his father shouting at somebody inside. He sighs when he stops, leaning against the wall. "We have lost all contact with Mistral, and you are asking about your suppliers?" Ironwood scoffs in disgust at Jacques.

"What can I say, James? I am a businessman." Jacques responds.

Whitley opens the door, walking inside as he finishes the cupcake and his crosses his arms, leaning against the wall. Ironwood looks at Whitley and then at Jacques as the door closes.

"I will take my leave." He says, turning from Jacques.

"No." Whitley objects as he puts his hand in front of the door. Ironwood stops in his tracks and looks at the young boy who looks right at him. "Whatever you were speaking of can be said in front of me." Whitley states. Ironwood looks at him and then back at his father, he has his hands clasped together on his desk, looking at the General. James looks at Whitley Schnee and he sighs, turning back to his father.

"We cannot just abandon Mistral like this." Ironwood says.

"You were the one who locked down Atlas." Jacques points out to him. James angrily glares at him.

"Please, Jacques...your daughters are down there. If Mistral has fallen to the Grimm, aren't you worried about their well-being?" He asks him. Jacques glares at him and he scoffs.

"They are not my daughters anymore...they lost that title when they turned against the Schnee Family Name." He says to him. The look of complete and utter disgust on James' face is to be lauded from how much he cares compared to the ice cold business man who sits before him. "If Mistral has fallen, then so be it. We must focus on ourselves, the Grimm might as well finish off Vacuo, at least when they come here we will have our defences ready to wipe them out." He says.

It is at this moment that James truly sees the mad nature that has grown in Jacques Schnee like a parasite. "What has happened to you?" James questions, taking a full step back. Jacques leans forward, still staring at the General.

"I am getting a grip, doing what you are failing so miserably to accomplish." Jacques reveals to him. James turns around and his eyes widen when he sees Whitley holding up a pistol, pointing it straight at his face. Whitley smirks at him as he stands there, pulling the hammer back with his thumb, loading a fresh bullet into the chamber. James stands still, his eyes moving down and then he realises that Whitley has managed to take his Revolver without him even noticing. He then looks at Jacques.

"What are you doing?" He questions.

"Getting a grip..." Jacques answers. "Guards!" He calls.

The door opens and a pair of Atlesian Soldiers step inside with their rifles aimed straight at the General and his eyes widen as he finds himself betrayed, they all point their firearms right at his face. He holds up both hands, he is outnumbered and most certainly outgunned. "Under your eyes...Atlas shall fall...under mine?" Jacques says, his hand pressed to his chest. "I will keep us safe." He says. Jacques looks at the guards over James' shoulder. "Take him away." He orders. One of the soldiers takes the butt of his rifle and thwacks it against the back of James' head, knocking him onto the floor with a grunt. The soldiers drag his body from the office and Whitley closes the door behind them.

The Knights of Grimm - Act 1 - An Eye For An EyeWhere stories live. Discover now