Chapter 20 - The Battle of Mistral - Pt. 1

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Ruby stares down at the ground as she holds Crescent Rose by its stock, pressing the barrel against the ground. She has been waiting for everyone to come together so then they can prepare to save the people of Mistral. Luckily Ruby has a plan, and that plan is all they need to get through this. Her round silver eyes turn when she hears Jaune approaching with Ren and Nora, and a scared and injured Thara Nikos at his side.

Ruby stands up and approaches, as Yang walks over as well with Ember Celica activated and at the ready. "Jaune...are you okay?" Ruby asks as she approaches him, holding her weapon in one hand. Jaune looks at Ruby and there is the look of awe on his face, an expression they all seem to share right now. Hearing the constant roars and screams of the monsters that surround them. The poor civilians that have not been able to get to safety in the attack, countless soldiers being ripped apart by monsters that roam the streets.

Jaune exhales as he looks at his hand, still covered in the man blood that he accidentally killed. "It's bad...I just managed to get Pyrrha's mom out of her home – before the citizens burned it down." Jaune explains, sounding shocked and also heartbroken as well.

"But the people are calming down now...what the hell could have happened here?" Nora questions with confusion, and that is when an exhausted yet recovered Qrow Branwen enters the conversation with his sword in his hand.

"Fury – he's using his presence to make the people go crazy with rage. But now that the anger has been used to draw in the Grimm, he has ceased it." Qrow explains as he looks at the tired civilians on the ground, palms pressed to their heads.

"We need to get these people out of here." Ruby states as she stares at the many Nevermores and Griffins that circle the many areas of the gigantic city. She ponders and ponders...

She wants to save everyone in the city, but the concentration of Grimm is so high and the city is so vast that they will never be able to save them all. Hundreds have already been killed by these monsters that have broken through the walls thanks to Lionheart's Betrayal. "How? The city is too large." Weiss points out.

"Then we save as many as we can." Ruby states, turning to them all.

The Huntsmen and Huntresses all come together to discuss their plan to save as many of the Mistraalians in the city of Mistral as they possibly can. Sun and Scarlet and Neptune are utterly broken at the moment, but still fuelled with rage over the death of their close friend.

The loss of Team A.B.R.N makes things much harder as well, knowing that it is only them who can defend the civilians in here and the few surviving soldiers that are not possessed by Fury's rage cloud that has infecting the populous. But they have numbers and through that they have strength.

Team R.W.B.Y, Team J.N.R, Team S.S.N, Oscar, Qrow, Kassius and Winter are here altogether, standing in the circle with their weapons at the ready. Winter looks around and then at the body of Sage which a tarp has been thrown over his body, along with the bodies of Team A.B.R.N. Ruby exhales, she knows what's at stake, and she knows that they need to get the people out, the Relic is out of their reach, but they still have Ozpin' that's something.

Ruby opens the silver plains of her eyes as she looks to them all, holding Crescent Rose in her closed form as she turns to them. "I know that we are all hurt right now...but we have to push on." Ruby explains to them.

Sun and Neptune grit their teeth in anger, because they want to take their anger out on something, and what's better than a horde of Grimm in the city?

"Damn right." Sun snarls. Blake and Weiss look at the men that they love with concern in their eyes; whereas Qrow is still recovering mentally from his encounter with the Knight of Fear. But Winter is fully operational once more, spinning her sword through her fingers and her clothes have been cleaned up and her hair is pearly white. Weiss has her long white hair pulled back into an off-centre bun tail and pinned with an icicle shaped tiara. Just like before, she has kept her Schnee Tiara after all this time, and she looks just like the old Weiss Schnee again, her large blue eyes narrowing when she sees the Grimm attacking the city. Leant against the wall is Pyrrha's mother, still alive but wounded.

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