04 | "let's play a game"

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|| Kenzie ||     || Miles ||

Kenzie stood in the middle of the enormously deserted library within their home. Her fingers gliding over maroon, evergreen, and navy blue book spines; feeling the delicately worn out buckram that enclosed the surface of the hardcover of each book. Her eyes continued to graze over the countless titles that they fell upon but came to a pause when her fingers stopped moving. They landed on a book that was her most favorite, yet she hadn't read it in a while and decided tonight would be a perfect night to forget her cursed life and get lost in a world full of magic and Quidditch matches.


Kenzie was comfortably sitting in her overly large bed enjoying the slight breeze that creped inside from the open windows that displayed the midnight blue sky, with specks of scattered stars that accompanied the luminous crescent moon. Kenzie was too lost in the words inked on the pages between her fingers to witness the beautiful night or hear the silent vibration of the phone sitting next to her.

When Kenzie stopped to take a sip of water to ease her dry throat, was then she heard the vibration of her cell phone. Kenzie was not only startled by the sudden sound but when she picked up her phone she was stunned to see two missed calls. Before her phone could dismiss the current call to a third Kenzie picked it up, only hear Miles voice echoing through the line.

"Let's play a game."

Kenzie furrowed her eyebrows with a slight confusion but was intrigued at what he could be up to.

"What kind of game?"

"Well, we've been talking for a while and I feel like I know nothing about you?"

"Hmmm. What do you have in mind?"

"What about twenty questions?"

"Miles, I think we would need more hours in the day to play twenty questions, it's already nine 'o'clock at night."

"I'm pretty sure we had be able to finish before the sun comes up."

"Before the sun comes up? When would we sleep?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm a sleep-deprived college kid who's used to pulling all-nighters, one night won't hurt."

"All more reasons why you need the sleep. You're. Sleep. Deprived. Miles."

"What about ten questions?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay, then. Five questions?"


"Kenzie it's only nine I don't sleep until eleven. I'm not the best at math, but I'm pretty sure that gives us a good two hours to play five questions, maybe even ten. And, I highly doubt your planning on going to sleep right now. Plus tomorrow's Saturday, so we can always sleep in."

Kenzie listened to Miles persuasion. She wanted to play the short version of twenty questions, but was okay for her too?

Was okay for her continue talking to a boy who did things to heart, and fool him, betray him for something she'll never be?

Was it okay--

No, Kenzie stopped questioning herself.

Tonight was a night to forget about her cursed life and get lost in a world that would never be truly hers.

"So, what do you say?"


"Good. Because no wasn't an option."

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