18 | "thanksgiving"

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Miles entered the confined space that made a sweat trickle down his forehead on this otherwise cool Thanksgiving morning. He was encountered with the heavenly aroma of his grandmother's enticingly mouthwatering cooking that made his little taste buds tingle in anticipation. Loud voices echoed, and the house shook as more and more of his cousins, aunts, and uncles entered his grandparent's house. Filling it with memorable conversations of happiness and laughter that he would hold for a lifetime.


Kenzie tightened her robe around her body as she was woken up by the savory and sweet smells that could only be identified as their soon-to-be Thanksgiving dinner. The house was filled with silence that made her heart ache as Kenzie made her way down the spiral stairs. A day that was meant to be shared with family, friends, and loved ones, always felt the loneliest. Kenzie wondered a thousand what it would be like to be surrounded by a gazillion cousins, aunts, and uncles that spoke and yelled over each other while savoring their grandmother's cooking. It was something she had always wished she could be a part of.


Miles sneaked passed his Nonna hoping to savor the first batch of Zeppole that he was dying to try. Only to be caught red-handed, his Nonna slapped his hand away from the deep-fried deliciously goodness while yelling at him in Italian to be patient like everyone else. Being the child at heart, Miles attempted to make his best puppy dog-face and eventually was rewarded a Zeppole, he knew no grandmother could say no to the puppy dog face. He quickly popped the sweetness into his mouth, cherishing every bite and gave his grandmother a thank you kiss on the cheek. While running out the kitchen he could hear his Nonna cursing herself for falling for his tricks again. Miles snickered and the love for his grandmother only grew.


Kenzie stopped at the doorway of their large kitchen that many would only find in a restaurant watching the cooks running around like little ants making enough food to feed the entire neighborhood. It had always been that way even before her parents passed away, and though Kenzie and her sibling never were fond of it, they also never stopped it. It just seemed easier to pay someone to make their meals equivalent to that of a loved one'. The thought and sight in front of her were sickening and before she could stop herself, Kenzie climbed on top of the cleanliest counters telling the cooks, maids, and extra help to go home and enjoy the entire day and the rest of weekend with their family since they absolutely deserve it. Wesley and Lainey's smiles grew wide as they stared at their sister in pride and happiness knowing this was the Kenzie they knew would have done three years ago.


Miles prepped himself up for their family's annual (European) football tournament, huddling with his team to figure out a way to bring home the annual turkey trophy they made years ago. He managed to come up with a strategy that in fact made his team win. His uncles and cousins lifted Miles up throwing him in the air singing their made-up winning chant in Italian. While the losing team stripped down to their boxers running around in the backwoods yelling, siamo dei perdenti (we are losers). It was all fun and games until one cousin from the winning side was pushed in the frigid lake creating a domino effect that Miles quickly escaped from.


Kenzie, Lainey, and Wesley ran around like a bunch of headless chickens trying to figure out how each equipment in the kitchen worked. They were new to this, making them appear more spoiled than ever. Wesley being the smart one managed to figure how the stove and oven worked, allowing them to start experimenting with the ample amount of fruit, vegetable, and meat their cooks had stocked up on. As Lainey and Wesley worked on the side dishes since thankfully the turkey had already been cooked. Kenzie started on the dessert only to end up covered in flour from head to toe. How that happened she had no idea, but the faces that Lainey and Wesley made upon seeing her mess was priceless and was something that she would forever hold in her heart. The laughter of three siblings echoed throughout the hallways awakening the house that had seemed to be dead all these years ago.


Miles sat in front of the T.V. surrounded by all the guys in his family cheering when their rooting football team managed to make a touchdown. Their Nonna made her way to the front of the T.V. threatening the guys no dessert if they didn't help the women set the table. Though Miles was sure she would make true of her words he couldn't help but silently laugh at how obediently the guys got up to help despite the groans that were released when his Nonna turned off the T.V. right before another winning touchdown. He went over to hug his beloved grandmother who responded back in a deathly squeeze that had him huffing and puffing afterward. One sweet kiss on the cheek by his Nonna, and he was on his way into the yard where the entire family gathered out to say grace and dug into the heavenly food that could've only been made with love. Despite how content he felt surrounded by all his loved ones there was still a little piece in his heart that felt empty. Miles knew who it belonged, in fact, his whole heart belonged to that one special person. Miles promised himself that whenever he got a little free who would for sure check up on her. He truly missed Kenzie.


Kenzie came back downstairs after a much-needed shower. It only took them five hours, four burnt pies, three spills, two unidentifiable dishes, and one cut finger to come up with something edible. If all failed they had promised each other that Chinese take-out would do. But, despite the catastrophe they endured, it was the fact that all three of them worked together, laughed, mocked each other, and had just simply been there together that made this day memorable. The day had begun with loneliness and ended with her heart full. Kenzie was in utter disbelief at how amazing a home cooked meal by your loved ones tasted and made sure to stuff herself until she couldn't take it anymore.

Despite everything that had been going on in her life for the past three years, today made up for it, she was happy sitting in between her two favorite people in the entire world sharing a pecan, pumpkin, and an apple pie that they had found stored away in the back of the fridge, they ended the way with laughter, and well-deserved movie marathon. Though Kenzie felt content, at peace, and a different kind of happiness she hadn't felt in years there was still something missing, but what could it—and then it hit her. The missing piece to her heart's puzzle was Miles. The thought made her numb and the memory of the conversation she had with Isabella came to her mind. Kenzie was pushing away the one person that made her feel alive again leaving him without the closure they both needed, and with the thought still fresh in her mind she finally decided to call the boy.

The same boy that did unimaginable things to her heart.

Yay! For a double update!

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Yay! For a double update!

This chapter was actually supposed to be posted on Thanksgiving day but unfortunately, it didn't work out in my favor.

Were y'all confused with the way this chapter was? It's different. I wanted to show a comparison of both Kenzie and Miles life especially on a special day like Thanksgiving. Did it make sense?


GUYSSS! I'm SOO excited for the next chapter because Miles and Kenzie will finally talk to each other again! I promise (pinky promise) there won't be any funny business lol. <3

Until then, see y'all tomorrow



P.S. I want some more pecan pie...

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