29 | "where's kenzie?"

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Miles felt many things that night.

He felt the way his lips twitched upwards at the sight of his girl dancing in the middle of the room without a care in the world.

He felt her laugh reverberate through his chest, bouncing off his interlined walls in absolute bliss. The tiny hairs on the back of his neck standing up in awe. His heart beating a little faster as her sweet laugh continued to serenade him.

The love and happiness he felt resonated through him. Seeping through the cracks within him as a bright light, blinding him from the words that poured out of his mouth.

He felt the way she clutched onto his shirt in agony as soon as he confessed how in love he was with her, little whimpers escaping from her lips alarming him. Her grip loosening from his shirt, as her knees buckled. His own body reacting fast to the scene unfolding in front of him, catching her before she hit the shiny marble floor.

Even as the week went on, Miles didn't understand how their fun-filled night took a dark turn.

One minute he was confessing his love to Kenze and the next Miles was carrying an unconsciousness Kenzie to his car.

It all happened too quickly.

He could still hear Kenzie's pained whimpers as soon as she gained consciousness while he buckled her seat belt.

He could still see the wet sheen layering underneath her eyes, as she hugged her body to stop it from trembling

He could still feel the mix of shock and hurt that erupted within him when she flinched away from his touch when he tried to wipe the tears from underneath her eyes.

It didn't make sense, none of it made sense to him.

And, as the days went by Miles couldn't help but think that maybe he was the reason why Kenzie fainted in his arms. Maybe he had confessed his love far sooner than Kenzie was ready to comprehend it.

But, didn't his parents and grandparents tell him that there was no timing for love? That when the perfect moment came he would know and the words, I love you, would spill out on their own accord, without a second thought.

And, that's what had happened, right? They had come out on their own.

But, in a way Miles had planned that night to be the night to tell Kenzie all that he felt for her. When the music had changed to a romantic one, he had not only wanted for him and Kenzie to dance together slowly to the sound of the melody, but he had held out his hand asking for one last dance wanting to say he loved her.

So, maybe in a way, that night was not their perfect night to say I love you. And, maybe just maybe Kenzie fainting was a sign that they were nowhere in that stage of their relationship to say those three words and eight letters just yet. Showing Miles that he should have waited patiently for their perfect awaited moment.

But, the thing was even if it wasn't their absolute perfect moment. He was in love with Kenzie, and he wouldn't have said the words if they weren't true. Miles would have never said the words if he didn't mean them. That would go against everything, everything he believed them. Even though the outcome of what he said wasn't what he had ever except. Miles didn't regret saying I love you to Kenzie in the middle of the dancefloor, swaying so closely together that both their hearts thrummed in sync. Miles loved her with every fiber in his body, every breath he took, and every beat his heart produced. In his eyes, that moment was perfect, and he would never, ever regret it.

What Miles did regret was the impact they had on Kenize, and how they hurt her. How he had hurt her.

Miles groaned resting his head on the cool granite marble countertop. His mind was running to fast and too far for him to even try catching up to it, and his thoughts screaming.

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