17.3 | "im sorry but who are you?"

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With those words, Miles' ability to move and speak came back more disorientated than ever. Right when he was about to hit the green 'answer' button his phone somehow manage to slip out of his hand and fall to the floor. When he picked the phone up off the floor he slammed his head against the table as he was trying to sit back in his seat. It was in that exact moment his fingers chose to have a mind of their own and click the green button only for Kenzie to hear a loud yelp and a string of colorful curses in both English and Italian that she had never in life dare to come across.

It was a commotion filled call she wasn't expecting. There was yelling and screaming, and was that a laugh she heard? She was in shock. It only took her five days to finally build up the courage to call Miles for the very first time, and her call was filled with utter chaos. She sighed slightly upset as the sadness that threatened to come believing that his phone answered unknowingly, and that thought made her heartache. Just when she was about to hang up she heard someone on the other end say her name in the midst of yells.

"Hello" Kenzie answered with every bit of hope that was left within her.



"OH THANK GOD! For a second I thought you had hung up!"

The person on the other end wasn't Miles. Kenzie had the way his voice sounded memorized, engraved inside her, and no matter how hard she had ever wanted to let go of it she couldn't. It was stuck replaying in her head like those annoying catchy tunes on a constant repeat, but Miles' voice was nowhere near annoying. It was calming, a soothing voice that she could forever hear and never get tired of. It wasn't until now that Kenzie realized how much she missed it, missed talking to Miles so, so much.

"I was going to, but I heard my name and well..."

"You thought it was Miles."

"Yeah." Kenzie sighed in sadness, the wheels in her head turning, functioning hard taking in the voice on the other end, and even though it wasn't Miles' voice it was a girl's voice. A girl who knew about Kenzie and Miles, and she couldn't help the next words that came out of her mouth. Kenzie had to know.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Kenzie couldn't help the slight bit of edge in her voice took towards the end, and when the girl on the other end laughed Kenzie couldn't be more confused.

"I'm sorry, I'm Isabella." the girl laughed. "I'm Miles' little sister." She concluded, and Kenzie couldn't help but release a very audible breath that she didn't know she was holding.

Gosh, since when did she become like this, Kenzie wondered. Miles' wasn't hers, to begin with, and never would be truly hers, she wouldn't let him. Kenzie was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and she couldn't let Miles be anywhere near her when she did. Her mind and her stupid heart were always in a battle, a battle that was becoming exhausting to handle and though she wanted her mind to win, her heart seemed to win every time, and today it won again. Because Kenzie truly wasn't expecting the next words to come out of her mouth in the way they did, they come out in every bit of confidence she thought she lost three years ago.

"Is Miles there? I need to talk to him, Isabella."

"Ugh! I wish the situation wasn't what it was right now, Miles really does miss talking to you."

"What do you mean?" Kenzie questioned her, her eyes furrowing when Isabella laughed.

"Let's just say, my brother, got a little too excited when he saw that you were calling, and might need a few stitches."

"A few stitches." Kenzie gasped, her heart stopping.

"Yeah, it's not that bad. He just a cut his brow when his he was picking up the phone from the floor."

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