32 | "i love you miles"

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Three months later.

Miles' breath came out in small spurts, hot and nervous. His tanned fingers curled into sweaty fists, at his sides, swinging forward as if it would make him run any faster. His lungs and heart were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough as he sprinted forward, panic trembling in his exhausted limbs. Gravel crunched under his feet, the sound echoing in his ears just as the bright red hospital sign became a blurry haze as he entered the building. Sweat clung to the tips of his glistening wet hair. Droplets falling as his head frantically shook from side to side trying to locate the hidden stairwell, but everything was blurry. He closed his eyes trying to steady his breathing and reduce the torturous sound of blood pounding in his ears. His chest heaved as each of his irregular breaths continued to burn his lungs, he needed to clear his mind and focus.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

That's it Miles, one more time.

Breathe in and breathe out.

His eyes flew open, just as his third set of breaths came out steady and his breathing slowly normalized. The dark gray fog in his head started to clear as he located the staircase and ran for it. Adrenaline rushed through his veins, increasing his speed. The alertness in his body not stopping until he ran up swiftly ten flights of stairs and pushed the heavy metal door open, a numbing sensation washing over his tightening leg muscles as they came to a sudden halt. He felt a gust of wind hit his face sending shivers down his back. Only a small light casting a glow on the rooftop, enough for him to make out the outlines of the building and wires surrounding him.

His heart stopped just at the mere sight of a silhouette leaning over the edge of the building, her head tilted up at the dark blue sky, her long dark wavy hair swaying and dancing to the directions of the wind.

And, though a sense of calmness watched over him, His heart throbbed with fear of the unknown.

It had been three months since Miles vowed to fulfill her promise of never letting him push her away. Three months since Miles listened to the whispers of his heart rather than the murmurs of his brain and became a bone marrow donor.

Miles wouldn't dare to say that the last three months had been the easiest or some of his finest. They simply weren't.

In fact, they were intense.

Physically tiring.

Mentally draining.

And, Miles experienced a whole whirlwind of emotions that he didn't know he was embodied with.

Miles considered that very first month after the night he and Kenzie talked to be by far one of the hardest months he had ever experienced in his twenty years of life. No test book definition or descriptions would have ever prepared Miles of the brutal effects that cancer had on an individual. It was horrifying, to say the least. Seeing the one person he loved with all his might, shrink and wilt away just at the tip of fingers and for him to not be able to do anything to help. Not only had Miles seen Kenzie's body become fragile and weak, but he also witness it take a toll on her mentally. With the added amount of negativity that suddenly poured out of her, he had often found it difficult to visit Kenzie. Knowing very well that the ray of sunshine he had bring would only be covered by the dark thunder clouds and lightning strikes that filled Kenzie's room. Straining their relationship.

He had come to terms with the changes, but Miles wasn't the one to give up. Falling into a routine every single day and bringing the biggest smile he had to offer. And, though they would have many good days. It was the bad days that thought him a lesson, one that stung and shattered his heart. He had learned that the reason for Kenzie pushing him away was because she was scared. Petrified that somewhere along the way Miles would end leaving her just like all her family members before him did. When Kenzie had told him her fear towards the end of that first month, Miles had instantly enveloped her in a hug that left hot tears running down their cheeks, and both their broken hearts to finally mend together as one. Their relationship that was hanging on a very thin thread of line had only become stronger, and Miles love for her only grew.

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