27 | "i was a prison baby"

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Mile had been nervous when asking Kenzie to become his girlfriend.

It was a different type of nervousness that erupted within him as soon as the question came out in to the open. A type that Miles knew he would never be able to come back from if Kenzie had answered back with a simple two letter word that would've changed everything he thought he knew about them.

Even though most of Miles knew Kenzie would only say yes, a tiny part of him had feeling he would scare her off to never return back to him. It wasn't that Miles was walking on a thin thread of ice around her. He knew plenty about Kenzie, he just had approach her with a tad bit of caution. She was still a delicate mystery, a jigsaw puzzle he was patiently trying to piece together, trying to discover the missing pieces along the way. And, though Miles desperately tried to ignore the faint feeling of uncertainty that was making itself known each day, he couldn't help his mind wander back to the conversation he had with Lainey months ago, trying to use that tiny bit of information to best piece his puzzle.

But, in the moment, that very moment a comforting warmth enveloped him, erasing every bit of uncertainty within him. Just as the sun kissed the sky good night letting its soul companion taking over the indigo night sky, cascading a luminous glow over the couple. He laid there comfortably with Kenzie's head resting perfectly on his chest. Hearing just how rapidly his heart beated for her in the close proximately. Miles never felt so content in his entire life.

She was his.

Finally his for the past three weeks.

Miles would be lying if he had said that they had started officially dating in those three weeks, they hadn't. In fact they had barely seen each other. Kenzie had been on house arrest with the flu she caught the day after he asked her to be his girlfriend. Miles internally thought the timing of it was hilarious, giving him the perfect opportunity to fulfill his boyfriend duties, but if only Kenzie would have let him.

Miles did try his very best to see her once, twice, made even ten times during those weeks but she wouldn't let him near. It was in those three weeks, as he formed smart strategic plans that failed miserably each time that he realized how empty his life was without her, it was utterly lonely.

He wasn't the one to take advantage of things or people in his life knowing exactly how time was just small indefinite progression of existence that seem to fly away even before given a chance to grasp and hold onto it. And even though Miles knew he would never take Kenzie's presence for granted, those three week had given him a reminder of how precious she was to him. Yes, he had family and friends to keep him smiling and laughing, but there was something about the way she fitted in his life, completing him.

She was his one.

The other half to his soul.

Those thoughts made him giddy, the foolish grin that slipped months ago appeared on his face again. His eyes slowly scanning the girl rested on his chest as the colorful shadows from the screen in front of them danced on her angelic face. Her droopy eyes fixated on the movie, every now and then her eyelids would fall, and open, fighting the tiredness with a small smile on her face. It was when her eyes closed again, her breaths becoming shallow, and the comforting heat burned him that Miles became alarmed.

"Hey, Kenzie." Kenzie's head fell down a bit just as Miles sat a bit taller but recovered placing her ear right back on top of his heart. He smiled at the small action.

"Hmmm." The smile stretching on her face.

"Are you o—"

"Miles." His name left her mouth in a breathy whisper interrupting him.

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