thank you

3.7K 141 81

T H A N K Y O U !

Hello readers,

It's done.

The Collins Curse is finally done.

And, and I don't know how to feel. Like, WOW it's actually done. I'm speechless yet I have so much to say (?) lol.

For those of you who have made it this far, I just wanted to thank you all so much for being a part of this writing journey with me.

When I started writing The Collins Curse back in August (2018) it was just a little idea that made its way into my head as a simple dialogue story. I wasn't planning on it being more than that. But, the idea soon changed and developed into a whole story that I am beyond proud of. Never did I believe that The Collins Curse would gain more than 10 reads and I am blown away knowing that close to 15k readers have read this book. I know like every story The Collins Curse is flawed in many ways (from having grammar issues, lack of character growth, and many plot holes) but none the less it is a story that is very near and dear to my heart.

And, though there were days where I truly did want to stop writing, it was YOU who made writing and continuing to write this story more worthwhile and enjoyable.

It was YOUR comments that would literally put a smile on my face and even turn my bad day into a good one.

It was YOUR votes that made me feel that The Collins Curse was being loved.

Even if YOU simply added the book to your reading list, it made me believe that my silly little book, my story was worth YOUR time.


Thank you to those specific readers (you know who you are) who stuck with me from the very beginning to the very end. You hold a special spot in my heart.

Thank you for choosing The Collins Curse to be your escape land and for being a part of Kenzie and Miles journey.

THANK YOU ALL for reading, for commenting, for voting, for adding this book to your reading list, for recommending this book to a friend, for sticking to this book even when the updates became sporadic, and for simply being a part of my first writing journey with me. It truly does me the world to me and YOU will forever hold a special place within me <3

And, most of all thank you for YOUR constant LOVE and SUPPORT.

None of this would have been possible without YOU.

And, I really do hope to see you all again in my next writing journey (read below to find out more).


W H A T ' S N E X T ?

As many of you figured there will not be a sequel to this book but I do want to write a few bonus chapters even though that is NOT my first priority right now. I do plan on writing some.

A reader recommended/requested a bonus chapter on how the curse began. What do y'all think?

Is there anything specific you all want me to write a bonus chapter on? Please comment below or feel free to send me a private message. I love when you all send me a private messages <3

O T H E R   S T O R I E S ?

O T H E R   S T O R I E S ?

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Until then, see y'all soon

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Until then, see y'all soon.


Wnnojhoming ❤️

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