| epilogue |

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one year later.

The world seemed at peace today.

There was an eerie yet a comforting sense of silence surrounding the vast array of land. One that elicited goosebumps, just as the warm summer breeze touched the surface of his skin and played with his already messy brown locks.

Various different shades of bold gray clouds glided over the electrifying blue sky turning it into a summit gray. The once blinding sun hidden behind the dullness. Only allowing a dim light to seep through a tiny opening, guiding him through the many tombstones around him.

His heart thudded ever so lightly in his chest when a rain drop hit the tip of nose trailing down the corner of his saddened lip, that further deepened just as the realization hit him.

It was a replica of this very day, last year.

His mind wandered back to that day, unknowingly guiding his feet off of the sidewalk and onto the damp grass. Specks of mud covered the bottom outer white part of his sneakers as his right hand tightly clutched around the colorful tulips and a small brown bag as his eyes mindlessly looked for the tombstone.

Her tombstone.

His heart sparked a numbness that instantly traveled through each and every part of his body, causing an ache to erupt, just as the thought of her being gone tip-toed into his head.

Today marked a year.

One year since she had been gone.

One whole year.

He knew that her days were coming to an end but he didn't realize she had leave him so soon. She had left his life as soon as she had left for New York.

Ten days after she had moved away, she left him.

It was strange. Frightening in fact, to think that she was no longer present in his life. No longer there to cuddle with him or greet him at the door. She was now only a memory that continued to replay in his head on repeat, not once letting him forget about the adventures that they had together, but continuing to remind him of how good they were together.

How perfect they were for each other.

He felt his knees hit the dirt beneath him, the moisture from the evergreen grass seeping through his thick blue jeans leaving a wet stain as a reminder of his presence. A marble gray tombstone greeted his eyes, letting him know that he was here at the same place they let her go.

Let her free from her sickness.

Even though his heart ached, Miles felt the corners of his lips slightly twitch upwards. Knowing that even though she was no longer physically present in his life, she was still present in every aspect of life. She was a part of it, forever would be. And, that gave him a sense of peace, allowing him to place the colorful tulips on the ground in front and against her headstone.

His eyes grazed over the words carved into the stone, rereading over his chosen words

In memory of

Reubena Alfonsi

A loyal companion and forever a man's best friend

2006 - 2019

"We miss you, Reubena," Miles whispered just as he opened the brown bag he bought with him and pulled out a very torn up baseball. Placing her favorite ball right next to flowers.

"I hope you are having fun in doggy heaven." He included standing up and walking away from her grave. His heart content and somewhat full knowing that wherever his pup was, she was beyond happy chasing after squirrels and making new dog friends.

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