14 | "adam's epileptic"

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|| Miles ||     || Everybody Else ||

It was too late.

Miles didn't have time to comprehend what was going on or even have time to swerve away from the lifted truck, that was charging his way. The smile dancing on his face disappeared. The sweet thoughts in his head dispersed, just as the impact of the truck sent his small black car rolling over a  total of three times off the road and onto the side grassy land, before it landed firmly on the hood of his car. It took Miles a good few minutes to understand what had just happened, and for him to realize that he was seeing the world upside down. Within seconds Miles eyes was able to adjust to his surroundings only to notice small sparks coming from the lifted truck that had hit him. The smoky smell in the air confirmed his suspicion just as the small sparks, combusted into a small flame, He noted a figure in the passenger seat of the car through the shattered windshield.

Time was ticking, the world around him was spinning as a literal bomb was at his hand. The truck a few distance away from him could explode any second, and the person inside could burn into ashes within the explosion, Miles had to act fast knowing he had a life to save other than his own.

He tried to move as fast as possible in the confined space. His hands moved around him trying to find the buckle to his belt and when he found it, Miles pushed hard enough on the button. He was beyond grateful when the belt unbuckled with ease, only for him to fall with a hard thud on the floor a throbbing ache erupting not only in his head but in his wrist, he ignored the pain, knowing that he still had to get of the crumbled car.

It was tough, but with three strategic hard kicks he managed to open stuck door, and crawl out of the car, running as fast as he could to the lifted truck. All the pain and tiredness in his body left, welcoming the adrenaline that pumped in Miles' ears, his fight-or-flight response in full affect. He reached the passenger door in record time, tugging and pulling on the handle of the passenger door, and when the door didn't budge. Miles felt hopeless feeling the scorching heat of the flames burning the back of his neck, as he pounded on the glass hoping and praying that the boy wasn't dead and just unconscious.

Miles continued to pound and yell hoping to stir awake the boy still inside the car, and what were only minutes seemed like hours before the boy managed to lift his head, dazed by the entire situation. They didn't have time anymore the fire on the hood of the truck continued to grow, and Miles could only point and yell fire at the top his lungs for the boy inside the truck to hear. The boy furrowed his eyebrows and stared at Miles, but when he turned his head in front of him his eyes widened, and he pushed the truck's door on the inside as Miles tugged the handle on the outside. In a matter of seconds, Miles was able to pull the door open, loosing his balance, falling and hitting his head hard. His stood up immediately, his balance wavering as he made his way to the boy that was still sitting inside his truck struggling to get the seat belt off.

"Hey, are you okay?" Miles knew it was probably dumb to ask, especially in their situation, but the boy's movement slowed, and his eyes kept opening and closing. Miles knew he had to his best to keep the boy awake.

"My seatbelt is stuck, it won't open."

Miles cursed, thunder roared feeling tiny water droplets fall from the sky, praying that it would pour so that the blazing fire could die.

"I have a pocket knife in the dashboard, bu...but I can't re...reach it."

"Okay let me see if I can get it, what's your name?" Miles said as he reached over the boy, shuffling through the dashboard pulling out the pocket knife, all while he kept the boy engaged in a conversation.


"Okay Adam, you're going to have to help me out a bit, I'm going to have to cut your seatbelt, but can you count to fifteen for me." Miles finished just as the rain started to pour down, thanking the lord above him.

"Okay." Adam mumbled. Making Miles snap his fingers a little too obnoxiously so that Adam could stay awake.

"Count Adam." Miles stated as he concentrated on cutting the boy loose, hearing Adam count to the number six before he stopped.

"Come on Adam, we're almost there." Miles seemed to have said it more to himself, his fingers were trembling from the cold and wetness of the rain, and just as Adam was about to say ten, Miles cut the last of the belt letting out a huge, yet, shaky sigh of release.

"There I'm done, Adam hold on I'm going to help you get out of the truck."

Adam held on to Miles, as they both walked far away from both the cars and made there way to side of the road, as the rain pour down on their backs, dampening their clothes. It was then Miles noticed the bright headlights of a running car parked on the shoulder and a man waving and running towards them.

"Hey are you guys alright? I've called 911 already and they should be on their way."

Miles didn't really know what to say, as he heard the sirens of what could be an ambulance, and before he was able to focus on the man rushing towards him. Miles eyes caught a black bracelet around Adam's wrist, noticing the word epilepsy written on it, and the word didn't settle well within his stomach.

"Adam's epileptic." Was all Miles could say as the man rushed to his side and helped Miles with Adam's slumped body.

"Okay, Adam will be fine now that the ambulance are here." The man finished just as a few paramedics made their way towards them and put Adam on a stretcher. The scene in front of him made him nauseous, his head was pounding with unbearable pain, he was becoming dizzier by the second.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Make sure Adam is okay, he's epileptic, I'm--"

And, before Miles' had the ability to finish his sentence, he fell on the wet grass, as utter darkness surrounded him.

And, before Miles' had the ability to finish his sentence, he fell on the wet grass, as utter darkness surrounded him

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This chapter was supposed to go up on Friday, but it wasn't ready. Ooops, I'm sorry lol.

Thoughts? (I love to read feedback so do not hesitate to comment at all!)

I'm hoping to post another chapter by this Wednesday, and I can tell you for sure the next chapter will also be in Miles POV :)

I hope everybody is have an amazing start to the week <3

Also, is you enjoyed this chapter, please:

Vote. Comment. Share.

Until then, see y'all on Wednesday



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