13 | "you can not leave the house"

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Miles could only stare at the words within his textbook trying to formulate a coherent sentence explaining the difference between the three major energy systems within the body. The paragraph he had written was a blurry jumbled mess that had him groaning in frustration. This was the tenth time he had rewrote the paragraph only to crumble the notebook paper into a ball, and was probably rereading the simple explanation in his book for the twentieth time. Only, for it all to disappear within seconds after absorbing the information, but Miles couldn't help that his mind was elsewhere.

The day was going by rather slow for someone who had kept himself quite busy. Miles had woken up far too early on this Saturday morning with a wide smile stretched across his face, and couldn't stop the way he was fidgeting from the eagerness and excitement that coursed through his veins.

Because, today was the day, he was finally going to meet the girl that had made her way into his heart.

The ticking of the clock above his desk echoed through his ears, and though Miles knew he shouldn't look above to check the time, he took a small peak only to further disappoint himself. Only fifteen minutes had passed since the last time he had checked, and he slammed his head against the top of his desk in dismay. The day couldn't go by any slower and six 'o' clock seemed centuries away, but he had to force himself to focus on the textbook in front of him, otherwise the hours ahead of him would never seem to pass.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and the ear-splitting alarm on his phone rang, bringing his left hand to an abrupt stop leaving the sentence he was writing unfinished. Miles glanced at the large numbers that lit up his home screen on his phone, and never in his life gathered his materials and cleared his desk so fast before he could hop in the shower.

A good twenty minutes later, Miles was fully dressed, and was about to turn the doorknob to leave when his phone began to rang. He didn't know why but in that moment his heart stopped for a millisecond hoping that it wasn't Kenzie cancelling on him, Miles wouldn't know what he would if that were to happen. But, knowing the fact that Kenzie had never been the first to call him yet, the chance of her cancelling was unlikely. Before his phone would turn the incoming call into a missed call he answered the phone only for him to confronted by his grandmother's voice piercing through his ears.


"Ciao Nonna." Miles silently winced rubbing his ear hoping that his eardrum hadn't bursted.


"Nonna, I'm right here, you don't have to scream." Miles said keeping a distance between his poor ear and his cellphone.

"Emilio." His grandmother stated sternly.

Miles huffed, all the patience in him leaving as the ticking of the clock warned him that it was getting closer to six. Miles took a deep breath calming himself before he spoke to his grandmother.

"How are you Nonna, how is Nonno doing?"

"We're good Emilio, but I didn't call to chit chat."

"Then, why did you call Nanno, is everything okay?" Miles couldn't help but ask, hoping that his lovely grandmother didn't call asking him to help out at his grandparents bakery, the same bakery he suppose to meet Kenzie at.

"Emilio are you going out today?"

"I was just about to leave, Nonna, why is ever--"

"Emilio don't go, you can not leave the house today." Nonna warned.

Miles absolutely adored his grandmother, but in that current moment he was starting to get annoyed as he glanced at his wrist watching noticing how a good few minutes had passed since his grandmother's phone call interrupted him. The same few minutes he could have used to be on his way to meet Kenzie.

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