30 | "it was a cruel joke"

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Miles feet were immersed deep in the gritty sand, the water lightly hitting against his ankles, cooling them. The wind playing around with his unruly bronzey gold locks, just as the warmth of the sun burned his bareback. His hand came up to shield the bright rays of the sun. So, that his eyes could clearly capture the sandy dunes and the array of people doing various activities that should be done on this perfectly hot summer beach day. His head fell back, so he could see the seagulls flying in a uniformed arrow heading east. Some only landing when they missed the chips thrown at them, while others squawked in protest. The chatter and laughters of each and every one his family members traveled through the narrow tunnels of his ears, capturing it for a lifetime.

His eyes continued to graze over his huge family, just as his brain helped him to differentiate each of their voices from the other. And, right when heard the immense differences in each voices coming from different directions all calling him to join their game of soccer.

He felt a huge splash of water hit his body, the splatters of water trickling down the side of his face, and a droplet clinging on to his dark eyelashes. He turned around to face the person responsible of the splash, only to be hit with another splash of water. A bigger one that hit his face again, and drenched his otherwise dry board shorts. He wiped his face with both hands before he slowly opened his eyes, not wanting the salt from the sea to burn them.

Before he could see the splashing culprit, his ears registered the familiar giggles that came from what he assumed was a girl. Her dark hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, a navy ribbon tied around her hair tie into a bow, her dark bangs framing a face. He squinted his eyes taking in the features of her face, but they were blurred out by the beaming rays of the bright sun, forbidding him to know who she was. So, instead, Miles focused on the girl's silhouette, his eyes roaming over the navy eyelet one piece that hugged her body beautifully, and traveled all the way down her thin legs.

"Hey, eyes up here mister."

His eyes immediately snapped up, the sun's rays dimming just enough for Miles to see her eyes. His own widening from the intensity portraying from them.

They were glass-like, crystal clear, enough for him to see his stunned reflection that quickly turned into moments. He was transfixed with the moments, and the couple who played the story of their love from the very moment a boy a called a number and the girl picked up on the other end. He witnessed both reactions of the boy and the girl meeting for the very first time, their first kiss, many adventures, all until one specific moment played over on repeat of a boy standing in the middle of what seemed like a hospital. Miles was intrigued by that specific moment, he didn't know why and before Miles' could see what happened next the sun disappeared. The girl's crystal clear eyes quickly turning into a crystal blue locking the memories away from him.

He didn't roam the curvatures of her face now that the sun was letting him. No, instead his eyes remained focused on hers, a bit too mesmerized by the similarity in them. It's like he had seen them before, but he couldn't remember where and it continued to irk him until the memories he saw in her eyes played in his head as is they were his very own.

And, then it hit him. The memories playing in his head, the one he saw in the girl's eyes were playing as if they were his own because they were. They were his memories and her memories. They were their memories that they both deeply cherished.

There was only one girl he knew. One girl, he wanted to forever learn about inside and out. One girl, he could detect from miles away just by the echoes of her laughter. One girl whose hands perfectly knitted with his. One girl he had memorized the way her lips felt against his, and the way her touch consumed him.

Miles only knew one girl with crystal blue eyes brighter than the sun that shone above them.

The girl standing in front of him was his girl.

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