17.1 | "he almost burned the kitchen down"

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"We can't thank you enough for saving our Adam's life, you really are a true hero Emilio."

"Yes, I agree with Linda, we really are grateful for what you've done for our son."

Miles felt awkward. He shuffled on his feet pulling the front collar of t-shirt scratching his collarbone, while staring out the window behind the family that stood in front of him, not daring to make eye contact with them. Adam and his parents had stopped by Dolce Delicacies a little after it opened for the day. Wanting to thank Miles properly in person for saving Adam's life, but Miles felt beyond uncomfortable as they praised him.

He was surrounded by his entire family and tried his best to intently listen to the conversation his parents were having with Adam's parents, but all he heard was hero this and hero that, and never in his life wanted to be swallowed by the ground so bad. Miles didn't want to be called a hero, he wasn't one. The firefighters, police officers, and paramedics that came to their rescue on the sight of the accident were true heroes, and Miles was nothing compared to what they did on a daily basis. What Miles did was humanely not heroic. He had done what was a given, and what humans were meant to do when one was in distress.

You see, Miles was a huge believer in helping those in need with all his heart, and also believed that doing good deeds shouldn't be done to show off to the world through pictures but should be done for oneself. In fact, he found those pictures, tweets, and snaps of people volunteering quite disrespectful, but with the access of social media finger lengths away doing such things was society's way a living, it was a norm. Though not everyone would agree with Miles point of view, he had always respect others' opinion because it didn't make him any less or more superior than those who were speaking it, and that's what Miles did. Even though he didn't believe what he had done was heroic, Miles would always respect Adam and his parent's opinion on him being one.

At this point, his huge family and Adam's small one had shuffled their ways to a table, sitting and talking about the accident. It was unfortunate what had happened, Adam had been diagnosed with epilepsy way before he had turned two, and had his last seizure when he was around ten. The day of the accident had marked seven years since he hadn't had one until that changed when he driving to meet his parents for dinner. Thankfully, like Miles, Adam survived the accident with minor injuries but was kept in the hospital under surveillance for quite a while.

Though Miles was uncomfortable he was a bit more relaxed when the conversation changed into something lighter, and was beyond relieved when Adam and his parents said their final goodbyes and left the bakery, erasing the tad bit of awkwardness that was still there.

"I know you don't like it when we acknowledge your good deeds, but what you did for Adam was selfless even if you don't consider yourself as a hero."

Miles smiled, his mother knew him better than he knew himself. Even if they weren't blood-related their relationship couldn't be any stronger, and so Miles hugged his tiny mother with all his might, even adding a sweet kiss to her temple.

"I know Momma."

"Are you helping your Nonna and Nonno close today?"

"But, I helped yesterday." Miles groaned.

"I know you did. You won't be alone, Isabella and Gabrielle are going to be helping you."

"What about the other three."

"Nicola and Rafelle are helping me run errands for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner."

"And Matteo?"

Miles' mother gave him a smug look, gathering her things not saying a word.

"Nooooo! Take Matteo with you he's a walking hazard.

"It won't be that bad."

"He almost burned the kitchen down the last time he was here!" Miles explained trying to get the point across.

"Well keep him away from the kitchen."

"Mom! Mom! No! Wait Mom!" It was too late Miles' mother left out the door without a single a word, choosing not to hear his reasonings and leaving a very hazardous Matteo behind.


Miles let out a breath of relief felt as the last customer walked out of the little bakery before it closed for lunch. He was beyond exhausted and could only imagine jumping into his bed. Letting the sleep he desperately needed to take over him, but he still had a good five hours to go before closing. Miles groaned in annoyance thinking about the long hours ahead, despite his love for the bakery.

The day before Thanksgiving day was by far the busiest. With many people coming in and out picking up multiple orders and even requesting new ones. Miles was off for Thanksgiving break only to be spending his off days helping out his grandparents alongside his siblings. It was a small Italian family-run bakery in Cambridge that his grandparents opened up when they moved to the states from Sicily. It wasn't until a few years ago that his grandparents manage to turn the bakery into a café that had become a local favorite, especially the Harvard students.

After cleaning up the counters and adding more delicious Italian pastries to the glass displays, Miles made his way to his favorite spot in the whole café, the corner booth that overlooked the beautiful lake that was glistening underneath the sun's rays.

Having grown up surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, his grandparents wanted to establish a little piece of Sicily in the heart of Cambridge, and they had definitely managed to do so. Back when the bakery wasn't a café, Miles' grandparents always kept tables and chairs outside facing the lake so that their customers could enjoy the peaceful view as they ate their favorite dessert while drinking their favorite warmth filling drink. This was one of the many reasons why Dolce Delicacies was considered a success, but the main reason was that most customers believed it was a home away from home.

Miles' thoughts were soon disrupted by a loud shrill that came from his back pocket. He held is breath, quickly grabbing the device, hoping it was the one person he hadn't spoken to in what felt like in years, and when he glanced at the lit screen he had to take a double take at the name that appeared on the screen.

Miles couldn't believe his eyes.

I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY for the late update! I feel terrible!

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I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY for the late update! I feel terrible!

I'm a bit iffy about the way this chapter ended and might end up going back and changing it but it will do for now.


Chapter 17 turned out to be a three-part chapter. After I'm done posting the next two chapters I think I'm going to go back to updating once a week. I'm really not satisfied with how my writing is turning out, it just feels a bit rushed.

Until then, see y'all tomorrow (i pinky promise I will upload)



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