12 | "would you like me to come?"

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|| Kenzie || || Miles || || Papa Leo ||

"I want to meet you, Kenzie."

Kenzie was frozen as time seem to slowly pass around her.

Miles didn't just say what she thought he said. They had only been talking for a few months there couldn't be a way that Miles wanted to meet her already.

Nope, Kenzie knew she was hearing things. It was a little past one now and Kenzie knew that exhaustion was messing with her ability to hear properly, but when Miles' voice echoed through the phone she tightly held against her ear, she knew there was a slight a chance of what she heard was in fact true.

"Hey, Kenzie are you still there?"

"Yeah...umm...I'm sorry...yes, I'm still here."

"Did you hear what I just said?"

Kenzie didn't know why but in that exact moment after hearing those words a bubble of laughter started to form deep within her, and she laughed, laughed so hard she felt tears streaming down her cheeks.

Oh, how she wished, she wasn't like this. To be one of those fools to laugh in situations that made her extremely nervous. God, she was a mess and hated feeling this way, but this had to be some sort of joke.

"Should I be worried..."

"I'm SO sorry Miles, but it sounded like you said you wanted to meet me?" Kenzie continued to laugh clenching her stomach, hoping and praying that by some force of miracle she could be stopped from further embarrassing herself.

"That's because it did, I think it's time we finally meet, in person Kenzie."

Kenzie's bubble of laughter disappeared as an ice-cold bucket of water fell on top of her, and all the senses she had lost seconds ago seemed to have reappeared, functioning the way they were meant to be.

Kenzie was shocked, but the word yes was right at the tip of her tongue and right when the little life-altering word was about to slip. The curse she was possessed with lingered in her head and stopped her heart from doing what it wanted.

"Uhh...I don't know Miles." Kenzie nervously fidgeted.

"I'm nervous too, Kenzie."

And, then it hit her, this was Miles.

The boy who called to check up on her when she was at her lowest.

The boy with the same favorite book as her.

The boy who was scared of spiders, and had a sandwich stealing dog named after one.

The boy who called her for a pep talk instead of practicing on his game day.

This was Miles.

The boy that changed her outlook on her life.

And, the boy that made her heart feel things she hadn't felt in three years.

This. Was. Miles.

Taking a deep breath, her heart hammering loudly against her chest, as she chose the next words carefully. Kenzie knew once she let them out into the open, she couldn't take them back, but one thing was for sure.

Kenzie was ready.

"Hey Miles." She smiled

"Yes, Kenzie."

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