16.1 | "a witch with a captial b"

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|| Kenzie || || Wesley || || Lainey ||

"....you called to check up on her. Goodbye!"

Kenzie stirred in her king-sized bed as she was woken up by the sudden noise of someone talking. Her body ached and she felt uneasy as she sat up in her bed inhaling the sweet familiar scent of vanilla and honey.

She was home.

She looked around her huge bedroom that screamed of elegance and looked untouched despite her presence there. The silk sheets that enveloped her tempur-pedic mattress could simply put a spell on her to fall back in a deep slumber for days. While the huge white down comforter that wrapped around her body bought the warmth that she longed for on this cool, dull, November evening. Despite being pleasantly confined in this room filled with luxury that most people could only hope for Kenzie felt empty.

"You're awake."

She looked up to face the mirror image of her older sister Lainey. Though the physical similarities were there the differences were notable. Her once bright crystal blue eyes the same ones she shared with her dead grandmother, only brought coldness even on the warmest, of warm days now. While her sister's beautiful brown eyes melted the ice with the warmth they conveyed. Kenzie's petite frame was nothing comparable to her sister's slender model-like figure that every woman envied and every man drooled over. It wasn't until recently that she felt self-conscious of herself to the point where she wished the earth would swallow her up to never see the sun surface again because unlike her sister she lacked the one thing she had always loved. Her--


She realized she had been once again lost in her thoughts of the curse she had possessed, and seeing her sister there physically and mentally well ignited a flame of.... jealousy?

Was that what she was feeling? Jealous? It couldn't be?

For as long as Kenzie could remember she was never a jealous person. In fact, she always found happiness in other's achievements even if it weren't her own because being jealous took a lot of negative energy that she simply didn't have the time for.

Though she wouldn't wish what she was going through on anyone she still couldn't help feel defeated knowing that the two people she absolutely cared for, and who would do anything for her would never know the pain she was going through. Then again, she would never know the pain Lainey and Wesley were going through seeing her being next one to suffer through their family's wrath.

"Yes?" she finally replied.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit nauseous."

"The doctor did say you had feel that way with the new medication."

There was a slightly uncomfortable silence that dawned upon them, but Kenzie didn't let it go to waste instead she turned around to face the huge windows attached to the French doors that opened up to her favorite spot in the whole world, her balcony. She loved standing there on days where she felt lost overlooking the array of enormous trees that were starting to shift into the beautiful hues of Fall, standing out against the dull evening. She could imagine the cool wind on her skin that instantly made her feel at bliss.

She simply felt content when she heard the branches swaying and the delicate leaves falling. Kenzie closed her eyes sighing in happiness as she finished listening to the bird's last song before they navigated their way back home. It was all so peaceful, Kenzie was at peace, something that was becoming more impossible to feel as the days went by, but once she opened her eyes, the smile on her face faded away as she was faced with her sister's sad eyes looking down at the white gauze that was wrapped around her wrist.

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