11 | "i want to meet you"

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|| Kenzie || || Miles ||

Miles was laying on his bed with his heart thumping loudly against his chest as he reminisced over the day. Specifically, the conversation he had with Kenzie.

He still didn't know how he had managed to score the winning touchdown with the distraction of Kenzie's sweet voice running through his head on repeat.

It felt like he flying today.

Soaring through the sky with his arms spread wide.

He was way up high, in euphoric bliss.

Ever since Miles call had ended with Kenzie. He was blown away at pep talk she had given him earlier, he wasn't expecting something so beautiful that would not only take away his breath but be forever engraved inside his head.

Gosh, Miles was floating on cloud nine, and when the giddy smile re-appeared on his face he knew the feelings he felt for Kenzie ran far deeper than he could've ever imagined.

He had never felt like this before.

Never felt so light, so happy.

Never felt his fingers itching to dial her number, and tell her every detail of his day and for him to listen to hers.

Never felt so nervous upon hearing the first hello that made him shiver.

Never felt his knees weaken when hearing her laugh that beautiful, carefree laugh of hers.

And, never felt so in love.


Miles immediately stood up, his eyebrows furrowing at the small, yet powerful four-letter word that sneakily made its way through his head.

Was that what he was feeling?

Was it love?

And, when the memory of the ending of the conversation he had with Kenzie made its way to him, Miles realized why the word, love, was resting so comfortably at the tip of his tongue. It was because Miles said he loved talking to Kenzie. He didn't exactly know what he meant by saying the four-letter word, but he knew for a fact that he didn't regret it.

Because Miles did love talking to Kenzie.

He loved talking to Kenzie.

He loved Kenzie.

Loved Kenzie.

Miles' eyes widen at the sudden realization. Maybe, he was trying to imply something in the simple sentence. And, though he knew he wasn't quite ready to say the three words, eight letters just yet. He couldn't help but wonder if it was even possible to feel this way.

He had heard of love at first sight, but was it possible to fall in love with a girl he had only heard the voice of?

A sweet melodic voice that made his stomach flutter and his heartbeat little faster?

Miles had watched too many episodes of Catfish with his younger siblings to know that most, if not all the relationships ended with heartache. And, even though Miles knew what he was feeling for a girl with a voice as soft as silk could be too good to be true.

He knew for a fact that girl behind the voice was true, she was genuine, real, and this wasn't some dream he was just dreaming every night.

Or, was it?

Miles' eyes widened, his palms becoming sweaty, he felt nauseous as his heart slowly fell to the pit of his stomach. He quickly turned around facing his bed now looking for his phone as his body went in full panic.

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