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(If you want you can skip to the third chapter because that's where the story picks up and is written Better)

Selina's Pov

"Hey Selina, How are you today?" Mrs. Tal called as I ran by her house. I turned around and waved my hand "Fine Mrs. Tal" i yelled before returning to my journey. I walked down the familiar streets into the plaza going into my home(AKA the Music Shop). "Hello squirt" Mr. Fishman called out.

"I'm borrowing sammantha" I said stealing a guitar from the stand. "You might as well keep her kid." He spoke placing a gentle hand on my back. "No sir I could never, I will buy it with the money i work to get" I said slightly wincing in pain. I sat on my favorite stool strumming the string lightly. It was way out of tune so i carefully tuned it to where it sounded decent. "Any recommendations Mr. Fishman" I asked like always. "How bout The Ballad of Mona Lisa" He replied as i started strumming the familiar tune. Halfway through the song i noticed that a few people had crowded around me. Mr. Fishman being the sneaky person he is must've turned on the microphone and connected it to the outside speakers. As the song ended a round of applauses erupted through the room.

"T-thank you s-s-so much" I bashfully stuttered out not used to the attention. People picked up items and browsed seeing as i was no longer singing. I strummed random cords for a bit before trying to leave. "Selina wait a second here, It's the least i can do for you helping to keep the buisness running." Mr. Fishman said giving me Sammantha. I graciously took it knowing he would not let me refuse him. "Thank You so much" I said before glancing at the clock. I waved a quick goodbye before running towards the dirrection of my home. Once i was infront of my house I noticed the car parked upfront. I quickly walked to the side of the building placing sammanth in the small storage place on the side of the building before going back to the front.

I entered the house to be greeted by the stench of whiskey and smoke. "Papa I'm home" I said announcing my presence . "Took ya long enough bitch" he yelled. My Papa was a strange man. He had a scruffy beard with a big beer belly. He had dirty blond hair and garbage green eyes, I mean most people would have a hard time saying we're related if it wasn't for him bringing me into this earth. I was knocked out my thought with a quick blow to my stomache. I doubled over in pain spitting out stomache acid. " Pathetic piece of shit, Your mother would have been alive and happy if it wasn't for you." he yelled grabbing my hair "Lies, All Lies" I repeated in my head. Another blow hit me on my leg. "Well tonight I'm gonna treat you like the slut you are" with that red light blared in my head. He could beat me, kill me but i won't let him take the last of my innocence. I jumped to my feet running out the door. I could tell he was chasing me.

"MRS.TAL! MR. TAL! MR.TAL! HELP!" I screamed drawing attention to my fleeing form. Lights from houses hearing my scream turned on as I banged on Mrs. Tal's door. Seconds later i was pulled into the house as she craddled my shaking features. Mr. Tal stood beside her baseball bat in hand and a menacing look on his face as he looked the danger. "Oh sweety I'll call the police you must be so scared, tell me what happened."She cooed as she shut the door. "M-m-my father had abused me for two years and tonight h-he tried to r-r-rape me" I whimpered crying into her. The sent of strawberries from her perfume calming me down a little. "Ohh sweetheart why didn't you tell me sooner" She asked with tears in her eyes. "I didn't want to worry anyone with my problems. You just have a two year old and anothe baby in your stomache i couldn't do that to you"

"Stay here for tonight, your father has been taken in by the police. We'll get your stuff and send you into the orphanage later" Mr. Tal said crouching to my abnormally short figure. "Okay thank you so much" I said as they lead me to their guest room. "Anything would be better than back with him right" I questioned myself before drifting off into a well needed rest.

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