Preview: Chapter one Numb

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'Max, do this, do that. Be better. You're a fucking girl for God's sake!' Like I fucking wanted to be born. The world can run 100% the same without me here. I can run 100% better without the world putting pressure on me to maintain stereotypes.

"Oh it's Maxie! Ain't that cute girls. She's wearing a dress. Too bad all that pink can't hide her fat self" Jessica said. "Oh I didn't know it was cunt o'clock. I'm sorry but my 'dick' don't want your germs so please fuck off. I'm sure some man-whore will take you because I don't take sloppy hundreds. Although if you can't find anyone I'll gladly let you fuck this finger." I replied sticking up my middle finger.

"You're gonna wish you were never born bitch" She said face burning red. The girls behind her giggled getting ready for her orders. "Where did I say I wanted to be born, implants?" I casually replied stuffing my hands into my pockets watching the slut. I mean I'm not weak. I could probably throw a few good punches before I fall. I probably could outrun them too cause I don't skip gym like these mean girls audition tryouts. She nodded her head towards me with a grin "fuck her up". "I don't want your aids mr. , ma'am? Hard to tell with the pounds of chemicals mixed into your body." I wittily spurted before Jessica 2 threw the first punch.

I quickly spit in her face making sure to hit her eyes to ruin that wing she spent hours on. Good luck fucking a boy with that. Although who am I kidding there's a lot of desperate saps willing to fuck any piece of meat they can find. Next I felt a kick to my gut. It winded me but since I didn't eat nothing came out my mouth but a dry heave. "Oh please are you that desperate for me ladies. I didn't know you swung that way" I said suppressing a yelp. I did know though. I caught Jessica 1 fucking Jessica 2 in the school bathroom. Illegal for the two fourteen year olds but not a fucking surprise. At this point I think half the boys in the school contracted aids from this bitch.

"Shut up you motherfucker" Jessica yelled. "That'd be incest so sorry to disappoint you but I'm not-heave- a mother-heave-fucker" I spitted into her stupid face. "Stop being a smart ass" Jessica 3 shouted giving a punch to my ribs. "I know you want me to be a dumbass like you, but it's impossible. I'll never fuck as many boys as you have" I quickly said before one of them slapped me across the face. "Ladies throw her down the stairs." She said snapping her finger. I was then picked up by one of them and thrown down the concrete stairs. 'God I hope this kills me' I thought as my body crashed into the stairs multiple times before crumpling at the bottom. I could feel my shirt start to get wet I tried to move my hand towards it but my whole body was numb. When did I become so numb? Why am i so at peace with dying? Ugh why didn't anyone tell me that death is painful. I wanted to meet Markiplier before I died. Gosh is there YouTube in heaven.

"Hey! Can you hear me? Please keep your eyes opened. The ambulance is on its way." A man said. It was hard to see him through my blurry eyes. My lungs faltered and every blink I took seemed twice as long as the last. Geez dude let me die in peace. How much will the medical bill be. My mom will probably make me pay for it. They probably won't bat a eyelash at the fact I'm in the hospital. They'll probably think it a nuisance. Hopefully I'll die in the hospital or on the way. My eyes glued shut accepting my fate.

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