American Psyco uncles

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Selina's POV

        After Patrick woke me up I sent myself to get dressed in a female recreation of the outfit from Phoniex. My hair was a tangled mess but I really didn't know anything to do with it. I walk downstairs to see Patrick talking to uncle Pete. They were laughing and joking with each other having fun. I really didn't want to interrupt but Uncle Pete spotted me.

"Morning Sel" Pete said giving me a small smile. "Morning Pete" I replied with an even bigger smile going over and sitting at the table with my food. "Your uncles are gonna have a blast doing your hair today." Pete said. "I would do your hair but they really will have fun putting your hair into style" Patrick grinned. "Maybe we could even spray dye your hair" Pete replied. "But maybe I could brush out the tangles real quick" Patrick said.

       The rest of my uncles sound like an energetic bunch. "Hey Sel do you want to go to public or private school" Patrick asked. "Buzzkill" Pete whistled. "Which one do you think will be better" I asked unsure. I mean I have no problems with school when I was in it. "I think private school would work because at some point we have to introduce you to the public and with private school going on tour with us will be a bit more easy." Patrick states. "Okay decided now stop talking about school before I relive it" Pete groaned.
           We are in comfortable silence with small jokes thrown here and there. I felt safe, we're a family! *Ring* *Ring* I gazed at Patrick curiously as he groaned getting up. He opened the front door and a man barged into the house another following after him. "My niece" The hyperactive dude yelled hugging me. "Brendon calm down before you kill the girl" the man that walked in with Brendon said. "I'm just excited Dallon look how cute she is" Brendon responded letting go of me. "Hello" I chuckled waving my hand. "Hi Sel" Dallon replied. " So cute" Brendon squealed hugging me again.
          *Ring* *Ring* Patrick opened the door again. "New best friend" Two even more energetic men entered the room. "No Tyler and Josh, I saw her first. I'm not done yet!" Brendon yelled clinging to me. "Nope" one of the men said picking me up from Brendon's arms. "Joshua I thought we were friends." Brendon whined. " Nope she's our best friend now." Josh said squinting his eyes in a smile. "Yeah" Tyler backed up joining the hug that Josh started.

            The door opened again, uncle Andy and uncle Joe walked in. "How's my band niece"Uncle Joe yelled. "Fine" I responded walking up to him and giving me a hug. "Hey there Selina." Uncle Andy greeted. "Hi uncle Andy" I laughed giving him a hug. "I feel like I've been out uncled" Pete yelled.I walked up to him and jumped on his back. "Better" I asked. "Better" he returned.

          "I'm here children" A man with bright red hair yelled barging into the house. "I really need to buy more security" Patrick muttered to himself. "Did you finally decide to return from the dead grandpa" Tyler said to the red head. "Boy I will fight your ass" The scarlet haired man replied walking up to Tyler. "Gerard you got schooled." A man with blond/brown hair said holding the Scarlet hair back. "Mikey he's disrespecting both of us if you didn't know" Gerard whined.

           "Hi mini stump" Mikey said greeting me. I smiled at the new nickname. "Hey don't steal my thunder Mikey, Hi smol bean" Gerard replied hugging me. "Hey, that's our nickname" I heard Tyler say. "Most of our nicknames are smol beans because most of our fans are the same" Gerard sassed. "What fans last time I checked your band died" Tyler sassed back. "Let's not fight guys have some respect. This is after all mini stumps welcome party." Mikey said. Uncle Mikey is cool.

        Chapter finally finished. How ya liking the story so far? Enjoyed it give it a nice vote. What's your favorite fall out boy meme?

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