New Perspective

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Patrick's Pov

                  I held Selina on my hip as she fell asleep. She acted so mature but still was a little 9 year old girl. I chuckled at the thought of how polite she spoke. Selina snored lightly as I placed her in the backseat of the car. My phone rang as i closed the door. "Hi Trickzy you got Sel right" Pete's overly energetic voice rung in my ear. "First it's Patrick, and yeah she's sleeping in the backseat right now. I was about to get in the car and drive us home before you interupted" I replied. "Did you tell her about the band yet or anything really" Pete asked. "Nope I was thinking after she's comfortable with me" I said. "Tell me when you do so I can get her all the merch" Pete replied before hanging up. Slipping my phone in my back pocket I started driving home.

                            Upon the drive i went over thoughts of when i first met Selina. Her crisp blond hair flowing gently behind her while she played her guitar with childlike glee. Although her voice was higher an octave she hit each pitch with pure perfection. Sel was a natural gathering an audience with charm, every word clear and easy to sing along to. Once She was done a woman called the group of children to return back to the orphanage. Pete saw the look in my eye upon looking at her. I wanted to make her life better, be her anchor protect her with all my might. He patted my back before taking the lead.

                              We pulled up at the driveway. Looking back Sel was still asleep. I shook her softly "Selina we're home and I need you up so that belly will have food." I whispered. She slowly but surely opened her eyes rubbing them for a minute. I cooed at the sight mentally noting to get her a booster seat for her small sature. Hopping out of the car i ran to the other side of the car opening the door for Selin. She crawled out stumbling a bit. I grabbed her hand steadying her. "Thank You" she softly whispered. I smiled nodding at her.  I quickly unlocked the door leading her to the kitchen. She only stared at the ground tiredly, guess I'll give her the tour tommorrow. I sat her at the breakfast bar before boiling water and getting out all the sandwhich ingredients.

    "So love what are your hobbies" I asked trying to keep her up  bit longer. "I like to draw, listen to music and play the guitar. I'm only good at listening to music though, i never learned the actual cords to the guitar and play what sounds right." She answered groggily. I chuckled quietly now knowing she's a very grumpy person around bed time. She ate her sandwich slowly drinking a cup of green tea to go with it.  

"Okay sleepy head upstairs you go" I said hoisting her on my hip and placing her in the guest room for now. Her room was currently under construction til we go shopping. "Night Love" I whispered leaving her room.

Selina's Pov

                   I woke up in a soft bed. Looking round it was a blue room with plain sheets and a small dresser, nothing giving it a homely feel. Placing my feet over the edge of the bed i quickly got on my feet. Stretching my body I left the room trying to find the kitchen i was in yesterday. Walking down the stairs and around the corner i found the kitchen. Patrick was not awake yet so i decided to make us some breakfast. I searched the fridge and cabinets for all the ingredients to make crepes. I decided on both strawberry and choco banana crepes. I started cooking cleaning as I went along.

                      Once i was done i decorated the crepes with whipped cream, chocolate, and sprinkles. While letting the crepes set I went to find Patrick. Walking up the stairs I first walked to the room with fancy looking double door. "Patrick are you up" I asked knocking softly on the doors. "Yeah I'm up, you can come in." He said from the otherside of the door. I let myself in "Good morning" I said. "Good Morning Sel" Patrick greeted placing his glasses over his eyes.  He opened his arms gesturing me to come over. I walked towards him quickly, once I was in a reasonable position he wrapped me in  hug. I quickly wrapped my arms back. 

         "Let's get downstairs to eat then we can have a movie day" Patricks voice practically sang as he pulled away. I nodded before following him down to the kitchen. "You made all this" Patrick said in shock upon seeing the crepes and Jasmine tea. "Yes, but i don't even know if you eat it" I replied shyly as my cheeks got covered in a red dust. "This is picture worthty Sel, I love it!" Patrick exclaimed taking out a phone and snapping a picture. A few second later his phone buzzed he glanced at it before quickly typing a response. "Hey Selina my friends are persistant on joining movie day would you mind." Patrick asked warily. "It's fine i dont mind at all" I answered as we started eating breakfast my proportions significantly smaller than Patricks.

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