Casual Affair

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Selina's POV 

   The mall was very big. I gaped in awe at all the different types of people and technology. We hadn't even entered the building yet. "Come on Selina I gotta buy my niece some games" Pete exclaimed wrapping his arm around mine and dragging me along. "Hey stop stealing my Daughter" Patrick chuckled before walking after us the others trailing behind. We stopped in front of a store called GameStop. We walked inside I gazed around at the cases and systems. "Where are the games" I question wondering where the board games and cards were. Pete stood still for a second like he didn't hear me. "I'm sorry but have you never seen video games?" Pete asked. "What's a video game?" I responded. "Patrick your child has never heard of a video game" Pete whispered to Patrick. "So we start off with a 3DS and a Wii U" Patrick said clapping his hands. 

          Andy started piling superhero merch into the cart while Joe was asking about the new Call of Duty update. Pete  was throwing games into the cart whilst Patrick was putting back the ones not my age. I figured I should hang out with Uncle Andy in this situation. "Hi Uncle Andy" I said when i got close enough. He gave me a warm smile as if saying hello back. "That's Batman right, I never got the chance to hear his origin" I asked Andy. His eyes sparkled "Batman started as Bruce Wayne. His filthy rich parents were mugged and killed. So as an know what superhero stories aren't for today" Andy spoke turning away. "Way to be a buzzkill Uncle Andy" Joe joked patting Andy on his back. I offered Andy a small smile before turning my attention to Patrick. He held two bags full of games, though by the pile of cases on the counter and the glare the cashier pointed at Pete I'm guessing Patrick held him back."  

          "Okay next store Urban Outfitters" Patrick said dragging us forward. I held his hand as we entered the store. Patrick immediately drifted towards the jackets and hats. I could already tell Patrick was a fashion forward person although his pat music videos prove him wrong. He picked up two leather jackets one black and one white. He picked up four fedoras black,white,gray, and brown. I watched him pickup tons of clothing but stopped  when my eyes caught sight of a dashing deep blue dress covered in silver rhinestones. Patrick's hand grasped it with a smile "It's very pretty, just remember to tell me when you want some thing you deserve the best"  Patrick announced. I just nodded making a mental note not to look at objects for more than 20 seconds. 

             "So do we skip Hot Topic or dive right into it." Pete asked after we bought half of Urban Outfitters and also ordering stuff from the furniture store to go into my room. "Naw we can get that stuff online later and we can just take some from our next tour" Patrick said altough turning the opposite of the exit. "Where are we going Pat" I questioned. "Apple store, I need to get you a phone, laptop, and a Mp3." Trick replied as we turned a corner into the apple shop. Patrick just called over an employee and asked for all three paying there on the spot. After that I cuddled into Patrick's arm feeling exhausted. "come here kiddo" Pete said bending down for me to climb on his back. I climbed on seeing as they were stubborn when it came to me, sheesh I can hold a bag of clothes. 

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