Chose your character

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Selina's POV
   We got out the car. Tyler, Josh, and Brendon made an immediate zip line towards me. Tyler looked at my face I guess noticing my tears. He looked towards Patrick. "What happened?" He questioned. "We were telling her how much her new family loves her" Patrick said. "Group hug" Pete yelled hugging me. Everyone gathered in giving me "I love you" 's. Pretty soon the waterworks started again. Auntie Sarah gently wiped my tears with a tissue she pulled out of her black hole *cough* *cough* purse. "Let's go have fun" Pete said.

            Gerard grabbed one of my hands and Mikey grabbed the other. They led me into the building everyone trailing close to us. "Sel wanna ride on your own." Pete said. "Ride what" I asked. "Well the go-karts why else would we be in an indoor go-kart track." Pete sassed. Patrick smacked him on the back of his head. "Less sass Pete" Patrick warned. "The correct phrase is less sass more ass but you do your thing Patrick!" Brendon butted in perking his but at the end of his sentence.

           We quickly made our way to the front claiming our reservations. "Okay, so I'm sorry but she can't ride alone. We have a age limit of 16. One of you guys can ride with her though" the worker said. "I guess Gee can't go on the karts by himself either" Tyler joked. They really have a bipolar relationship. "Mikey I swear I'm gonna beat this kid! I swear to Billie Armstrong  I will."  Gerard swore.

              "Okay kids stop with your useless bickering. The real question is who is Selina gonna pick to ride with"

Chose your player

Patrick Tree

Pete Goez

Andy Catchy

Joe Trowoman

Dallon Months

Brendon Kinky Boots

Sarah Smiles

Tyler Hoesph

Joshua fun

Jenna Doesph

Gerard Wave

Mikey Says

Having a lot of fun with the names of you couldn't tell.

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