A little love

190 5 14

Patrick's POV
I woke up to constant dings coming from my phone. I wanted to ignore it but with the way it was spamming me I guessed it was important.

DRUNKEN SINGER: Hey trick I'm gonna be there in 20 so get ready

FOREVEREMO: Boy get ready because I'm ready to see my new niece

SPOOPYJIM: dude me and Tyler will be there soon

UKULELE SCREMO: so what size is your daughter in shirts, not like I'm trying to buy her a shirt that says favorite uncle or something

STONE COLD: dude I'm going with Gerard be there in 60

GAY FOR YOU: Patty Cakes I went to get us breakfast and some snacks

I'llNEVERBETHATTALL: yo I'm on my way

STONED: dude I might have stole some of your alcohol last night but you didn't need it right

MUSCLEDSWEETHEART: hey Patrick I slid the key back under the door

I jumped up remembering I invited all the guys today. I walked to Selina's room knocking the door. After getting a quiet come in I entered. "Good Morning Selina, It's time to get dressed . Some of your uncles are coming over" I softly said sitting on the bed. "They're all gonna try to get you in their merchandise and get your attention after all they're my close friends"I giggled. "Okay" Selina responded with a smile.

"But if you want you can wear Fall Out Boy Merch so you have 3 less uncles trying to get you to wear merch and also have a happy father." I joked knowing the only merch she had was fall out boy. "What if I dress up as my father so I can be unbiased in the uncle realm" I smiled at the statement. "Well I'll leave you to get dressed honey bee, and I'll be wearing the same outfit from the phoenix music video" I called leaving the room and closing the door.
This was a small filler chapter thank you for reading!

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