You are lovely

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Selina's POV
"Selina how bout you wear a Green Day shirt with some white leggings." Sarah suggested looking at my wardrobe. "I like that" I cheered. "Great you'll look great. I'm gonna put your hair into a little side braid. I can tell Josh got to it." Jenna warned pulling my hair into a pretty braid. "Next you should dye your hair pink. Pete has been thinking of doing it after riding out the blond" Jenna whispered in my ear. I smiled giving her a thumbs up as she was still braiding my hair. 

"My beautiful wife may I come in." I heard uncle Tyler sing from outside the door. "No, you'll see us when we're ready" Jenna chuckled out. I could practically hear uncle Ty's pout as he let out a solemn "Okay" Auntie Jenna quickly opened the door and kissed uncle Ty before closing it in his face. Auntie Sarah looked at her with a smirk. "I can't resist that pout okay. It's deadly!" Aunt Jenna defended. "I said nothing" Auntie Sarah said with the smirk still gracing her face. "The song was Sarah Smiles not Sarah Smirks so stop smirking" Jenna whined. Jenna quickly shooed me to the bathroom in an attempt to close the argument. It didn't seem to help as I continued to hear them poking fun at each other.

~Time Skip brought to you by The Pete Foundation "Pete-za for all"~

            Once we were done getting dressed we walked downstairs. "Jenna" Uncle Ty called for his wife like a lost puppy. "Hi Tyler" Jenna smiled as Tyler hugged her. Uncle Brendon kissed Sarah on the cheek. He whispered something in Sarah's ear which caused her to flush red and lightly slap Brendon's arms. "Hi darling" Patrick said  giving me a side hug. "What's up squirt" Pete greeted ruffling my hair. "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third did you just do what i think you did." Jenna calmly although her eyes glared at him. "What did I do?" Pete questioned voice a bit high pitched. "Oh I don't know ruffle the hairstyle we just ----------- did?" Aunt Sarah yelled although Patrick covered my ears for something during it. "Annnddd that's my signal to get in the car. Hurry up Trick, kiddo." Pete said dragging us to his car. "I gotta grab Sel's car seat." Patrick informed going back into the house. 

~Time skip brought to you by The Stump Charity "Not everyone likes pizza Pete" ''Impossible" "People are different Pete,different taste buds"

                   Uncle Mikey and Gerard gather into a car with Uncle Joe.  Uncle Andy got in the car with Uncle Brendon, Uncle Dal, and Auntie Sarah. Uncle Josh, Auntie Jenna, and Uncle Tyjo were in the last car. I wonder where we're going. Patrick put the seat in the car, I pouted a bit because im beyond the age limit to have it. "It's not my fault your stuck with the short genes. You'll be outta this soon though, promise" Patrick said. "Hey Patrick did you text the rest the address." Pete questions. Patrick nodded sliding in the car. Patrick the handed me my phone. "Put it in your pocket, try not to forget it next time. If you get lost its one of the fastest ways to get to you" Patrick said. "You remind me of my mom" I giggled out not processing my words before Patrick looked at me.

                   "What happened with your mom if you don't mind me asking." Patrick asked. "I don't really mind. Mum was a good person. She worked at the bakery right next to the music shop i worked at. She always spent her brakes in the music shop. The owner Mr. Fishman was practically my uncle. If she was not at the bakery or music shop she was home. My.......D-Father was a happy guy back then. Every Saturday we'd go out for family day. Trying to have fun in the best possible ways. My mom and I once went to your concert, we were so far back in the nosebleeds. We still danced like there was no tomorrow, I have some of the Polaroids.   Sorry..." I said wiping my eyes over the memories. 

                     Pete looked at me in the mirror before turning his attention back to the road. Patrick's hand was in one of Pete's who tightly gripped back. "That was the last day we lived normally. The very next day I was sick. My parents had work but my mom took the day off. My mother went to the store to get me medicine because i was too stubborn that morning and acted like i took the non exsistant medicine. Mum never returned. F-Father came in that night and told me mum was in an accident.  I wasn't able to go to her funeral because her body was not as friendly as it once was. I-I-I miss her, but now I have a new dad. A better dad and his name is Patrick Stump, and now I have 9 uncles and 2 aunts that love me unconditionally. I used to think there'd be nothing better but I love my new family. You think my mum would forgive me for that?" I asked feeling guilty. The most appropriate time to play the song! "Selina Olivia Stump you aren't doing anything wrong! From what I've heard of your mother she would want this!" Patrick yelled. "Selina...Olivia....Stump....S.o.S. How Ironic can this be?" Pete laughed dryly. "Pete this is serious" Patrick responded. 

          "It's awfully ironic how you think we're saving your soul, when you have done more for us than we've done for you.  The day we've met was a bad day. We ran out of inspiration for our new album. Joe had to go in for his back surgery. Andy's wife was sick and we we're stumped no p(h)un intended. We were scared we were gonna have to push the albums release date. Then we saw you at the park strumming that six string acoustic Gibson. All the people gathering round absorbed in your music. That's what we forgot, the magic of fans, the gift of connection that music can give. You gave us that back, the adrenaline, the motivation. And when we talked to you we had so much fun. If Patrick hadn't adopted you first, I hope you know that I would've. You Saved Our Souls. You may think your life is bad but sugar is mistaken for salt. Sweet things can look like something bad. We all love you and no matter how hard you try your stuck with us and our affection." Pete informed word laced with sincerity and affection. 

   "Now lets get out the car group hug and shut this joint down" Pete yelled parking the car. 




And done! Now you know a bit more about little Sel. I'm gonna try to update more since it's Summer. Also holy geesus 1k reads, I love you guys. Did you hear the news? MCR might be getting back together! Dan and Phil are gay, and Eugene Lee Yang is gay. Honestly I'm living this Pride Month!  Next chapter will be fun. 

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