Miss Missing You

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"I gotta get back to my family, nice meeting you small Stump" Gerard said. We got back about an hour ago to hang out whilst eating take out. Gerard stood up with Mikey following. They gave me a hug as I smiled one of the best fake smiles you've seen. Troubling thoughts of my past filled my head. "Speaking of that I have to go, Ruby has something she wants to show me" Uncle Joe said giving me a bear hug.
            "Our flights are tonight so we have to go. I wish I could sneak you in our bag!" Tyler whined clinging onto me. "I live down the block, but I have to go home and feed the cats. You know Mark can't feed them forever." Josh said also clinging to me. Jenna joined in "I'll miss you Doll" Jenna whispered into my ear. It was harder to keep the tears at bay.  
             "Hey break it up I want my goodbye time!" Brendon yelled at the people clinging to me. "If you ever have  any doubts, or if you want to talk to someone Sarah and I are at the grayish tan house down the road. Joshua's in the baby blue house right next to mine too. You're always welcome." Brendon spoke softly looking me in my eyes. I nodded. "Maybe some days we could kick Brendon out and have some Girls nights" Sarah whispered "hey I could be part of your girls night. I could be a girl" Brendon sassed.
                   "I gotta get back to my wife but I'll be back soon" Andy said hugging me in a big bear hug. "I gotta get Bronx. I'll be back tomorrow around mid-day. I'll be back kiddo, don't trouble your dad too much." He said ruffling my hair. I grinned "n-never" my voice coming out stuttering but it wasn't obvious I was upset. They piled out the house into their respectable cars. Sarah and Brendon just walked down the road.
I looked towards Patrick rubbing my eyes. Faking being tired. "Good Night Patrick" I announced giving him a quick hug and escaping to my room. Once covered by the sanctuary of my room I let my tears flow. My fingers clasped each other. Clashing each other to try and make a distraction. Sadly it didn't work.  
            The door opened and I silenced my tears. "Holy smokes what happened?" Patrick asked slipping into my room. "I'm okay" I replied voice cracking. "You're not okay. Now what's wrong?" Patrick said softly holding my hand as he sat next to me. "It's stupid." I replied quickly. "Nothing that makes you feel sad is stupid" He quickly pushed away my answer. "I don't know. I guess I have a small problem with people leaving. When uncles said they were leaving I got sad." I explained. Patrick looked as if he realized something.
              "It's okay Selina. No matter where they go they are still thinking about you. When they all are back home maybe we'll do a Skype call. That'll have to wait till the day after tomorrow though." Patrick soothed. "Now go get ready for bed, and we'll have a small sleepover in my room" Patrick smiled. I smiled back nodding.

~I'm miss missing you now and then~

Hey yo it's miss I can't keep a promise. Sorry for not updating in a while. I have no excuse.

Love you guys❤️🧡💚💚💙💜🖤💖

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