Alone Together

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Selina's Pov

        I walked to the park in solitude. Today was a bad day. A few of the older kids in the orphanage beat me at lunch. Heather had wrecked my laptop, and Ms. Hoft broke guitar. Tears clung to my eyes ready to be shed. "Hi Selina how are you?" A voice called. I lifted my eyes and saw Patrick. Quickly I wiped my tears before smiling. "I'm well what about you" Patrick seemingly frowned before smiling again"Quit with the formalities , you don't have to act so mannerful around me or Pete"  Patrick replied. "Alrighty then wheres Pete" I responded walking aside Patrick. "He had to go to an interview" Patrick said. "Cool" I spoke before water dropped on my head.  

             "Ah, it's raining do you wish to go back to the orphanage" Patrick announced. "Yeah, you may come in if you please. I'm sure Ms. Hoft wouldn't mind" I offered. Patrick nodded before taking my hand. "So what happened to your guitar?" Patrick asked as i frowned. "It broke" I said. "Don't worry I'll buy you a new one" Patrick said. I shook my head "No you don't need to buy me it. Plus Sammantha wasn't bought with my money she was a gift that i didn't deserve" I replied. 

            We entered the orphanage. "What about the bruise on your cheek?" Patrick questioned. "I don't wish to answer that. See you later Patrick" i quickly said before running uptairs to my room. I didn't mean to be rude to him it's just that i don't like confrontation, it's probaly the only reason my father got to abuse me. "Why'd i have to do that? Uuuhh he probaly hates me at this point, I'm so stupid!" I groaned pacing back and forth . "Well I don't hate you, and your far from stupid" Patrick said interupted my pacing. 

            "So this is your room" Patrick spoke looking around. "Yeah although most of the things here are not mine" I said sitting on my bed. "If you were adopted what would you like to keep" Patrick asked. "Just my clothes and sketchbook i guess, everything else is pretty much damaged." I replied looking at the ceiling. "Well let's get them packed" Patrick said. "Why?" I asked confused. "Because I'm adopting you silly"  Patrick responded. "Oh, Why do that" I asked again utterly confused why me of all people would be adopted. "Because of so many reasons, you make me involintary smile, I love to hear you talk, and you just have a certain pull to you that makes me want to adopt you before it's too late. Also your smaller than me" Patrick said joking at the end. 

                I hugged him tightly. "Thank You" I said my words muffled by his chest. "You know we should be packing so i could get you home" "And the adoption papers" i asked. "Did em yesterday" He replied helping me pack my clothing and sketchbook in a small backpack. "We need to upgrade your wardrobe, you have like 9 articles of clothing" Patrick said as we finished. I leaned on his shoulder suddenly tired. "It's getting late let's go" Patrick said picking me up. I loosely tied my arms around his neck before letting myself be tooken over by darkness. I guess this is a new chapter in my life. A chapter without the pain of feeling unloved.

       "Hey guys i was thinking of making a few others of stories like this. Using bands like Twenty One Pilots, Panic!, and youtubers such as Shane and Jack. Also i don't plan on cutting out Elisa she'll be here later in the story. At this point she's just friends with Patrick. Love ya antisocial loves bye."

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