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Patrick's Pov

                   Selina had fallen asleep while ago. "Hey what about we host a small little party later this week to introduce Selina to our friends then when we mention her on social media it won't be as taxing." Andy exclaimed. "Well first after her cat nap we'll have to go shopping for clothes and maybe some electronics." I informed nervous over the fact that at some point I'd have to introduce her to the world. "We will teach you how to make boys next door out of tadpoles he-heh" A voice broke our conversation. We laughed at the pg censorship, Selina's voice echoed throughout the house. She hopped down the stairs continuing to sing before abruptly stopping looking at us like a deer caught in headlights. She covered her mouth"Forgot you sang that song for a minute." She said before sitting next to Joe.

             "Ha take that Pete you owe me $10" Joe yelled giving Sel a little side hug. Pete groaned before handing Joe a ten. "Alright lets get into our disguises and head out." I shouted getting up and stretching. "You can sit here for awhile sweetheart" I said to Selina before leading the boys to my closet. They browsed around for awhile before picking things totally not their style. I picked a spider-man shirt and some black skinny jeans. Okay so slightly not our style. We walked downstairs after getting dressed"If I can move mountains I can work a miracle work a miracle" Selina sang the words smoothly rolled of her tongue as she kicked her legs. Neither foot even near the floor.

           "Ready to go Mini Stump" Pete asked pulling over his coat. I quickly thought of how Sel didn't have a jacket . I made my way upstairs to my closet picking out my smallest tightest coat. "Here Sel it's winter" I said handing her the coat once i got downstairs. "Thank You" Selina replied putting it on. It swarmed over her reaching down to mid-knees "Shorty" I Joked grabbing my keys. "Let's Go" Joe wooed. I grabbed Selina's hand and walked to the car the boys following behind. "All in one car or two cars guys" Andy asked as I opened the backdoor for Selina. It'll be pretty cramped with her booster seat and clothes when we return. "I'll drive my car Andy you ride with me" Joe called. "Kay see ya when we get there."

Should I Do Peterick or keep Eliza as Patrick's Lover. Also thank you for the support on the story I seriously only thought I'd get no views love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals.

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