Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snack

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Sel's Pov
I woke up in Patrick's room between him and Pete. Of course they were still sleeping. I gently climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After doing my womanly businesses I looked in the mirror. My hair looked like it needed a good brush. I took a comb and combed through it lightly to get rid of the tangles and then took a brush and some gel to get it into a high ponytail whilst my bangs still laid across my face.

Leaving the bathroom I decided to go in the kitchen and make some breakfast burritos. Getting out the ingredients I began chopping some peppers.

~time skip brought to you by the Josh Project! Aliens are real~

Gerard came down in the middle of cooking and helped me finish it. He then ran out the room and then ran past me with a guitar and amp. Plugging it in he asked me to cover my ears and I did. All I heard was a the strumming park to nanana. Everyone came groaning downstairs. Those in the living room were covering their ears on the floor.

Entering the kitchen they seemed like they thought they would have to scavenge things. "JOSH" Tyler shouted. "TYLER" Josh yelled with just as much excitement. "BURRITOS" they exclaimed in unison taking a seat at the table that held the food in the middle.

Patrick walked up to me giving me a kiss on the forehead. Pete walked up and ruffled my yellow mane before Brendon pulled me from their grasp. "My best friend is going to sit next to me" Brendon huffed leading me to seat besides him and Dallon. "Morning Selina" Dallon said giving me a smile. "Morning Dal" I answered with a small grin. "How come Dallon gets a nickname" Gerard asked. "Good morning Gee" I replied smiling.

~time skip brought to you my the Tyler Company! Aliens are not real Josh~

"Soooo who cooked breakfast" Mikey questioned. "Selina but I helped" Gerard said. "Selina cooked" Tyler exclaimed. "Yeah, I believe it. Did you see the picture I posted two days ago on instagram. Selina caused my social media return." Patrick said with pride.

         "That was her cooking, damn could I borrow her for my anniversary" Brendon asked

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"That was her cooking, damn could I borrow her for my anniversary" Brendon asked. "One thousand dollars and I shall consider" Patrick joked. "I was looking more for a guaranteed" Brendon jokes back. "I was looking more for a shut the heck up, I got first dibs cause I'm her band uncle" Joe exclaimed proudly puffing his chest. "I actually got first dibs cause I'm her favorite uncle" Tyler shouted whilst I slid you my seat and tip toed away not wanting to bring apart this arguement.

"SELINA" I heard them shout as I was in my room. "WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE UNCLE" they yelled. To be honest it's uncle Pete. I mean I've known him as long as Patrick.

How are you today my lovelies? I'm thinking about when I get around halfway through this book to start on a interconnecting story that will either be Panic! Or the TB boys. Or maybe I'll start their stories at about the same time. Tell me if you'd like to see that.

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