Girl meets Girl and Girl

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Selina's POV

After the whole breakfast fiasco I decided to take a shower and change into new clothes. I decide to wear a Fall Out Boy dress with black leggings, panic earrings, top necklace, and a Mcr necklace. Now none of my uncles should be upset. I walk downstairs.

"My Chemical Romance is dead and I think we can all agree it will stay dead" Tyler said. I silently walked towards Patrick trying not to gain the attention of my uncles. I sat in between Patrick and Pete. Pete smirked greatly before loudly announcing my presence "That's a nice DRESS you got there Sel." Pete shouted adding emphasis on the dress. My face started going red.

"Hey where's the Panic merch" Brendon whined. I lifted up my hair to show my earring. "The more important question is where's the tøp merch" Josh yelled. I pulled up my necklace showing him and Tyler. "Why are we grouped with Mcr."Tyler jokingly whined. "The bigger question is why is Fall Out Boy the main attraction of this outfit." Mikey said. Everyone turned towards me.

Then the bell rung. 'Saved by the bell' I thought although they clearly gave me a look that they wouldn't let me pass. Patrick got up and went to answer the door whilst we looked. "BRENDON BOYD URIE YOU HAVE NOT TEXTED ME ONCE ABOUT ARRIVING, I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN IN A DITCH IN VEGAS" A girl yelled at uncle Brendon. "TYLER ROBERT JOSEPH YOU CANNOT JUST PACK A BAG AND LEAVE ME AFTER A PHONE CALL" Another girl yelled this time at uncle Tyler. "God, this is why I'm happy I'm gay" Uncle Pete muttered under his breath.

             "Sorry Jenna I was just excited to see my new niece" Tyler whimpered hugging the girl. "Sorry wifey I just got caught up spending time with these assholes and Selina" Brendon apologized. "Hi I'm Sarah, Sorry that had to be your first impression of us but I swear we're just correcting their mistakes" the girl who scolded Brendon said. "If you didn't notice our husbands really do like making mistakes and being very silly" Jenna laughed. "Hey!" Tyler and Brendon yelled. "Hi my name is Jenna" Jenna introduced hugging me. Sarah joined the hug too. "Hi I'm Selina, I'm Patrick's new daughter. Nice to meet you" I grinned.

              "You look so cute! I just want to doll you up" Jenna squealed holding me again. "When are we gonna have a kid Brendon" Sarah asked. Brendon sputtered. "After I become responsible" Brendon responded. "So never" Sarah sighed. "Yeah, wait what!" Brendon yelled. "Selina back me up here. I'm responsible" Brendon cried for help. I slid behind Sarah and Jenna. Sarah Smiles (like Sarah doesn't care). Patrick then pulled me away from the group.

       "Why don't we do something fun today!" Pete exclaimed. "What do you have on mind Wentz" Gerard asked. "You" Pete slyly said. "Bitch I'm taken" Gerard sassed with his hands on his hips accenting his backside. "Anyway let's goezzz" Joe yelled. "I freaking hate you Joe" Pete exclaimed. Joe put his sunglasses on his forehead only to bring it back to his eyes. "I know" he says flipping his long hair. Pete ran after Joe as he ran away. "To the cars! OW" Joe yelled whilst Pete throws his shoes at him. "Go get your Jacket real quick Sel and girls if you want you can do her hair"

Hey guys it's ya boy milk back again with another shitty YouTube commentary. Anyway I've been having a lot of ideas of where I want this story to go and it sister stories and I can't wait to share them with you when the times right. I also really appreciate everyone of you and the support you've given and still give towards this story!

 I also really appreciate everyone of you and the support you've given and still give towards this story!

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Hehe got 666 at 11:11 I'm a spawn of Satan and an angel. Oh and happy pride month!🌈🏳️‍🌈

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