The King Go-Karts

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Patrick's POV

      " I chose Patrick" Selina said. I smiled triumphantly as I heard a couple whines about wanting her to ride with them. "I mean he is my dad, and the person i trust the most to not crash the kart" Sel Smiled. "well get ready for a lot of disappointment because i am kinda bad at go karts" I warned chuckling quite fondly. The employee gave us a helmet for Sel and then lead us to the tracks.  It was a pretty big track for a indoor place.  Selina excitedly bounced foot to foot trying to keep up with the long legs in front of us. It made me chuckle because that's how i used to keep up with the boys. Honestly exercise for short stumps like us is keeping up with our tall best friends.

               Selina and I sat in the double kart. It had two steering wheels so i guessed mine would override Selina's. Pete being the classy fucker he is got in a hot pink go-kart. Brendon being the idol he is got in a light pink kart with Sarah.  Joe somehow convinced Andy to ride with him on a yellow cart. Gerard and Tyler were yelling at each other for being copycats since they both had red. Josh was in a blue kart with his red hair sticking out like a sore thumb. Dallon was in a nice purple kart but he sat very uncomfortably because he was so tall. Jenna was sat in a nice white kart smugly making a bet against Sarah that she'll win. Selina had a gentle grip on the steering wheel as she was testing it out in her hands.

               "ON your mark" Everyone snapped out of conversation. "Get SET" I gripped the steering wheel and hovered my foot over the gas pedal. "GO" And just like that the chaos erupted. My foot slammed against the pedal as we lurched forward full swing. We immediately passed Mikey who was busy putting his phone away. "Woooaa Fuck Yeah" Sarah and Brendon screamed from besides us. "Woah" Selina said breathlessly as the adrenaline from driving kicked in. "Catch up bitches" Pete yelled from the front turning back to gloat. It was short lived as he drove into a dirt pile. "FUCK" Pete yelled. "Begone THOT" Gerard yelled taking first place. Tyler caught up with Gerard driving close enough to knock them both into dirt. "I SWear im gonna COMMIT MURDER TONIGHT" Gerard Screamed. "Finder's Keeper loser weepers." Brendon yelled as he took over first. We passed Dallon. "Yeah" Selina cheered as we were close to passing Brendon. The finish line was so close. (i could taste it.)But then Brendon jammed his foot even harder into the gas pedal and took first while we finished second. Soon everyone was done with the race Dallon coming last complaining about how his legs hurt. Sucks to be tall.

                   "Soo what next?" Mikey asked throwing an arm around Gerard's shoulder. "The arcade what else?" Pete sassed. Honestly i'm Jealous of Mikey because of the interview awhile ago that involved Pete saying Mikey was his male celebrity crush. I hid my frown by grabbing Selina's hand and following the group. 




"And That's how the song emperor's new clothes was made" . So I decided the next chapter will be an exclusive first sneak at the new book, for the readers that have enjoyed my writing. A little forewarning though the next book will not be for the most faint of heart as I'm trying a new technique which also means the will be a lot more descriptive scenes. Although the first chapter is badass sooo... Anyway I hope you have a lovely day or sweet dreams tonight.

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